1991 light bay/white paint mare - "Dream"

Hi all! While I am sure that this is a long shot, I thought I’d take a chance on finding my first equine love after many years!

Name: Dream
DOB: April 1991 (she would be 18 now)
Breed: Paint (not sure if she was registered or not)
Description: Light bay and white paint, white mane and tail, Bay over both eyes, white blaze, bay on underside of neck and between front legs. Bay covering flanks and part of back. almost solid white legs

She was in the lesson program at Sweet Sunshine Equestrian Center in Alpharetta, GA when I was there from 1993 to 1998 and I leased her for part of that time and rode her almost the entire time. I do know that once the program shut down around 1999 or 2000, that she was sold to a gentleman that had planned to breed her. We offered to purchase her, but was told she’d already been sold.

She was almost pigeon toed, and probably about 15.1hh (although they all seem bigger when your 9).

Dream competed up to 3’3" jumpers with me, and was also very good under western tack, neck reined, etc. She may not be the sweetest lady, but I adored her, and was the only student that enjoyed riding her! We did jumpers, hunters, and all sorts of fun games. I do have one photo of her and I if anyone thinks they might know her.

I would LOVE to find her, even if just to find out that she’s in a good, loving home.
