1993 A Fleet stallion who stood at Our Farm Inc.

He was never my horse. But the barn owner of the farm I was at during that time purchased him in the dispersal sale at Our Farm Inc. He was bred once after that to a barn mare who was unable to be registered. Shortly after he was sent to the Camelot Auction in NJ and sold.

It was a few years ago … I am pretty sure it was 7 years ago now that he was sold. Even though he wasn’t mine, I really liked him during the time I knew him. I just came across a few pictures of him and figured it would not hurt to try and maybe someone knew if he was still around.

His name was AFleetKnowsASecret. He was a 1993 chestnut stallion. He seemed big to me at the time, but I was about 11 so everything seemed pretty big. I would say he was probably about 16h. For some reason I think he went to the sale with out his papers, but I am pretty sure he was tattooed.

If anyone knows anything of his whereabouts please feel free to post here, email, or PM me.