2 yo with a roached back

I am looking purchasing a 2 yo that my vet feels has a roached back and it makes me a bit nervous. The current living situation of this youngster is far from ideal, stall and paddock, and he hasn’t had his feet trimmed in months. Is it possible that this can be corrected with body work, good farrier and lots of playing with other youngsters?


I’d pass. I had a gelding with a roached back and hey never seem to use their backs properly.

I had an upper level Hanoverian gelding with a significant roached back who had no problem using his back. I actually kind of liked it because in his later career on the trails the roached back helped keep the saddle from slipping back!

I’ve never seen a roached back cause problems other than saddle fitting. It wouldn’t deter me, unless I was buying for resale.

Yes, they are often problematic with a roached back, like this horse whose roached back affected his auction value. They couldn’t get the reserve price at the auction and had to sell him privately, later.

^ :lol:

Personally, I think it depends on what his history is, was he born that way or has it developed recently? Has he had the proper nutrition? is he going through a growth spurt that may look like an awkward stage? Many factors may contribute to what you and/or your vet are seeing at this moment in a 2 yr old.
Why have his feet been neglected?

they are definitely less flexible in the back and it will affect their rideablity, gaits and jumping style. It may never pose a soundness issue but then again who knows each horse is different. If his feet have not been addressed is is possible the lack of proper foot care has affected his posture–Id talk to the vet possibly get a second opinion as well.

It depends on the degree of roach too. It is SO hard to tell w/ 2 year olds - they can be in funky growth phase that just makes them look bad. If it is a minor roach and the price was right, I might consider it. But… A young horse that has been raised in a stall or small paddock, that’s feet have been neglected - THAT would turn me away much quicker.

With all the 2 yr olds in the world, I would pass. I did just buy a OTTB mare with a slightly roached back, but I bought her for a recip mare & only paid $200 for her. She ran 11 times and only hit the board once…but that could have had nothing to do with the back. She may just be slow <g>.

However horses use their backs more in some sports than others, so I would imagine much depends on what the use/level of work is going to be expected of the horse.

But I would pass myself, because it will effect resale and might effect ability. And plenty of horses are kept in horrid conditions & don’t develop roached backs. I firmly believe it’s congenital, although it may not be easily visible as foals.

I have an OTTB mare with a very slight roach…not an issue at all for her. She’s more than athletic enough. Really good jump on her and nice mover…she was also successful at the track.

I have seen what looks like a roach when they are in pain. My little guy looked like that for a bit when he was really sick. So if his feet are really sore and something else is possibly going on, he could look worse than he really is. Of course if that is the case…I wouldn’t spend much on him and be considering it more of a rescue situation.

At two a youngster may not have sprouted withers, so the back could look straight or roached. Maybe when the withers pop the back will look more normal.

A filly I bred has a pretty significantly roached back. I have no idea where it came from since she’s very well bred and her mother was an imported SPS mare, with popular bloodlines.

It has never affected her under saddle, in fact, she was ready to SHOW Grand Prix at 10 years old. It has certainly not slowed her down and the only issue is saddle fit. After seeing this mare, doing the job at the highest level with wonderful rideability, I would not have a problem with a roached back.

It depends on the degree of roach too. It is SO hard to tell w/ 2 year olds - they can be in funky growth phase that just makes them look bad. If it is a minor roach and the price was right, I might consider it. But… A young horse that has been raised in a stall or small paddock, that’s feet have been neglected - THAT would turn me away much quicker.[/QUOTE]

Yup, me too. Because if something so simple and little like their feet are neglected, good chance is that something very significant like deworming (which can result in significant internal damage) and proper nutrition (nutrition, NOT calories, although yes sometimes that too) have been neglected too.

A mild roached back would not be bothersome, just need extra care in saddle fitting to make sure the spinous processes were not pressed upon.

A moderate to severe roached back I would pass. Frankly, if I had to choose between a slightly roached back and one with a weak loin or frank sway, I would prefer the roach. The back which dips in a deep sway or weak/dropped loin is more apt to have back pain issues.