2 yr old paint sold in MN

I saw this in the local Craigslist:

My dad [edit] sold or gave away my horse Miya around the date of October 5th, 2009. In August I was granted an Order For Protection against my dad. The order states that my father is not to sell, give away, or damage any of my property. When put on the stand on October 20th, 2009, my attorney asked him where my horse was. My dad told the court he got rid of my horse Miya and the other horse, Whiskey to someone on Craigs List. When my attorney asked who he gave them to, he said he didn’t know. He then told us someone had replied to his ad on Craigs List and said they’d pick them up in ten minutes. A trailer then hauled my horse away with another (Whiskey) as a package deal. My attorney asked my dad for a description for the vehicle, trailer, or license plate number, which he wouldn’t provide us with.
Miya is a 2 year old brown and white paint horse with a black and white mane and tail. She isn’t registered but my dad has led people to believe that she has papers and that I am hiding them. She was given away or sold with a horse called Whiskey, who is also not registered who is also 2 years old. Whiskey is a 3/4 Quarter, 1/4 quarter Arabian, bay with a white star on his forelock and a black mane and tail. Whiskey was a rescue horse and it is illegal for anyone to give him away or sell him. If the person that got him from the rescue, no longer wants him, he is to be returned to the rescue.
The last text my mom recieved from my dad in regards to my horse was “she’ll never find her, they’re both dog food” I can’t imagine why a father would want to hurt his daughter like that. If you have seen Miya, or have any information in regards to her whereabouts please contact me at roping_cowgirl_hannah@yahoo.com. All the help is greatly appreciated. I can prove that all of the above information is true with court papers and other legal documents.
Thank you for your time,