Not to the extent they used to use " turn downs", kind of a high heeled shoe, one piece, they poke holes in downed jockeys and turn kicks into much worse injuries and fell into disfavor . Sure they use something, not sure what these days. That track is not particularly slick IIRC, trends to be deep if anything. Didn’t look like anybody bad trouble holding it or slipping around.
I don’t know that they " set TS up for failure"…not unless they had an inkiling he’d react like that. He’s not the only colt to back off from the wall of noise from 150k fans right in front of them, many much closer then at any other track. CD is pretty tight compared to more spacious European tracks and many in the States. The Belmont has caused some to lead reluctantly and underperform too, they put the gate right smack in front of the grandstand.
While it would not be my choice, horses have shipped short into major wins and this one was an experienced, international shipper in an operation experienced in International shipping.