What performance-enhancing drugs were used but were either not banned or went undetected back in the 40’s? 50’s? 20’s or 30’s for that matter?
You name it, from what I have read and been told. Sir Barton was said to have run “coked to the eyeballs”. He allegedly had thin, shelly feet.
Other narcotics
Other stimulants
By the 50s, phenylbutazone
And this is a very short list that is in no way all encompassing.
It’s not that this stuff was allowed, it’s that testing was extremely limited. The earliest drug tests basically involved looking for crystallized remains of the drugs in saliva, something that doesn’t work for most pharmaceuticals. It was years before we had urine and blood tests.
That settles that. Shouldn’t have even been a discussion in the first place imo.
In case anyone is wondering, Justify was named HOY.
Sorry, I should have added that, thanks Laurie
I don’t understand. Did I post wrong again
Never mind I got it now.