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2021 AECs - anyone local got a spare paddock?

So, much to my surprise, I just qualified, and am thinking I might go (last chance to ride at KY HP, lots of barnmates and friends plan to go, etc).
I haven’t gone in many years, but the last time I went, to the Carolina Horse Park, I was able to find an awesome paddock at a fellow COTHer’s place not far away for 2 field boarded geldings.

Any KY peeps have any suggestions for something similar this time around? My horse will be MUCH happier out for the duration, and I can probably get a horse buddy to split the cost and keep him company. We are very good barn guests and will have a big support crew and tack stalls so this would literally be two horses chilling in your unused or sacrifice paddock for a few days and a daily trailer trip in and out.

not sure where you are located but you might want to try your local Facebook Equestrian page to see if anyone is going or see if there is an AEC page or Kentucky equestrian page. I think you will have better luck. Good luck at the AEC’s!!!

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You can rent a round pen at the horse park.

Check out Blackstone Farm in Lexington. It’s about 20 minutes from the horse park. Layover facility.