2021 Farrier Costs

I’m sure it’s changed over time, but it’s still around. My farrier is a graduate of this program, and from a quick search it looks like Cornell still has farrier courses at the general and advanced level.

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Northern NJ—front (steel), $195. All four (steel), $295.

They only took two students per course and the instructor was a grizzled old guy who wanted to retire. Cornell must have stopped for a while until they found a new instructor to take it on.

$50 for a trim. $120 steel fronts. $200 four steel shoes. Farrier is great and low end of the price range. Barn mate uses a different high end guy who specializes in glue ons. Glue on fronts and nailed hinds run her $450. Thankfully my current complement of equids have no special farrier needs. Southern PA 50 miles north of Baltimore.

I pay $85 for steel fronts and a trim behind. My farrier is a wonderful, kind person and does an awesome job! My horse loves her. I’m in central TX

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Central AL
Four shoes 85
Front only 70
Trim 40

Others pay far more (180 for 4 shoes minimum) for the fancy guy but 10 years on I’m happy, the horses are sound, no issue.

TX panhandle.
Every 7 to 9 weeks, super busy farrier calls appointments.
Old horse with Cushings and front shoes $75.
Ranch horse full shod for spring work $100, we have very rocky canyons.
$50 for all around trim otherwise.

Massachusetts $275 for 4 steels every five weeks whether rest or new. More in winter for pads and shoes.

Western Massachusetts, $75 for a trim for an Irish Draught. The horse is well-behaved but still has that draft thing going on of leaning when she gets distracted.

Maybe that’s really just a horse thing, but more noticeable with a draft.

The farrier charges $60 to trim other (non-draft) horses at the barn.

$200 every 6 weeks for steel shoes all the way around and pads on front. It has been so long since I have owned a horse that went barefoot. I think I was paying $95 for that in 2012.
ETA: Boise, Idaho area

$100 for steel fronts
$110 for aluminum fronts
$150 for 4 steel shoes
$170 for 4 aluminum shoes
Rim pads are $15 extra.
Repairs with epoxy are $10 extra per foot.
Trims are $50.

He’s not the cheapest in our area but by far the best. Located in PA.

40$ for a trim. I think shoes are 100-120 here. No longer have horses in shoes. SE Montana. It’s hard to find someone who’s around/reliable. Most cowboys trim their own.

230$ every 5 weeks for a good set of shoes in NorCal. That was 2015 so I’d assume prices have shot up.

$60 for trim
$120-140 full set
Southern AZ

However, farrier that I adored moved. Tried 2 others. First one didn’t trim much which was OK they were not needing much off, but then proceeded to put shoes on and take them off, put in nail then remove. He left more holes than I have ever seen. Fired him. Second farrier charged me extra for fancy shoes, like $40 extra. Shoes were $5 more total in the store. Then did not trim my other horse well and gave him NPA. Horse was mostly going lame. Third farrier recommended to me never showed up. I have now given up. I was trimming and putting plastic shoes on my mare. I am now trimming and shoeing my own with plastic and invested over $500 in tools. But my horses are no longer lame and have correct looking feet. Worth every penny.


Mine is an Irish Sport Horse and he thinks it’s cool to stand on two legs and rest the third while the farrier is holding the fourth. This isn’t always a diagonal pair. He’s remarkably successful at doing this without making the farrier have to speak to him about it.

Do you suppose it’s an Irish thing?

Rural far West Texas.

$125 for all four simple steel shoes on the mare; I think $110 for the retired navicular gelding that gets fronts only; $50 trim for the ancient barefoot mare.

We usually run 7-9 weeks. Our horses and farrier do fine with this.

Farrier usually brings his wife, who pulls shoes and clinches. Sometimes he’s solo. They are great, talented people and I make sure they know I think they hung the moon. He’s figured out a trim that really works for the navicular gelding’s ouchy fronts and that horse is now sound and happy for pasture and light neighborhood walks.

They’ve “fired” most of their clients because they were busy for years taking any job that came along to save for a house down payment. Now that this is done, they’ve let go of a lot of folks. Happily, they say they’re keeping me no matter what.


Southern California

Hot shoeing Full set, clips in front, pads $200.00 per cycle
$65 for a trim on the barefoot one.

Central TX, I pay $200 for one set of front steel, one standard trim, and one miniature horse trim. I’ve used him for over ten years and he answers texts, I love my farrier.

North central Florida, $200 for 2 steel shoes with leather wedge pads and dental bonding and a few other fancy things. Well worth it, he’s made and kept the horse sound. Was only $250 when he was in casted on clogs.

I paid $340 for a full shoe with clips and poured pads, steel, NW Oregon/PDX every 6 weeks. Yes, stupid expensive. But my mare is sound and happy. We have a new farrier, who is charging $265 for the same. Hoping she stays sound with this guy—she’s got funky feet.