Sound was a little glitchy but you can get the gist of what Beezie is saying. The riders are so young. They asked good questions but their voices are so young. Made me feel really old.
Article about Beezie’s session:
I loved the quote in the article where Beezie said she she’s not the most talented rider.
I would love to be a fraction as talented as she is. Or as modest.
I guess this belongs here…… McClain brought up the social media drama about position in his clinic today on ClipMyHorse. #letitgo
Did they show it live?
No I’m watching the replay. 21 mins in. It wasn’t salacious but he felt the need to hammer his point lol
Beezie also began her session by discussing the importance of position (in a tactful way).
Position is discussed in every “Horsemastership” clinic, every year, it’s nothing new.
He specifically cites the social media nonesense. Why lead with that? Just speak about position.
So funny that he called it “social media drama” when he started it. hahahaha
I just posted this in the Karl thread, but thought her quote on position showed how much everyone was just talking at each other without really disagreeing:
“Position is not because I want to look pretty, but because I want to be effective and be able to communicate with the horse in the most effective way with the least amount of distractions for him,” Madden said.
That seemed to be Karl’s exact point.
I agree.
At the very beginning of the Karl Cook thread (which was a positive thread, I was the OP) there is a link to his winning round in the World Cup class.
Watch the jump off here , and explain what you find objectionable about his position.*
Now it seems as though the sessions are no longer available. USEF page says they will be available on 1/6 at 6 PM.
It said that earlier today, but I was still able to watch the McLain session by just clicking on the link.
That was several hours ago by now, though.
Yeah, worked earlier for me too. I wanted to go back and watch more of McLain’s session and it’s not working now.
USEF is making a mistake censoring this for several reasons, but mostly because Beezie and McLain are not stupid enough to say anything controversial and they aren’t going to put the riders in a position where things could be embarrassing. I watched all of Beezie’s and half of Mclain’s (prior to them being removed). They were appropriate and McLain, in particular, encouraged the riders to be part of a dialogue with him. USEF is just being stupid. I am happy to no longer be a member frankly.
I haven’t paid any attention to this training series in years but why are there only six riders? I seem to remember that there used to be two groups of at least six riders or more in each group.
They’re riding horses. Including some borrowed ones. So there’s really no way to predict what could happen if something goes wrong.
I would rather see it live, or at least unedited, myself. But you never know what will happen.
At one of these clinics a few years back, there was one horse that took exception to the water jump, and the rider really had a lot of trouble with it. And I believe McLain ended up staying after the rest of the group was done to help her work it out, although they did not show that on camera. Probably because the camera operator thought the session was over.
But that just shows that you can’t really predict how things will go in that setting.
I don’t know if they explicitly said why they cut the number in half, since it used to be 12 riders divided into two groups.
I wonder if it was so they could be sure to have a really strong group, even if it was a smaller group.