25 Divisions at the Locke Meadows Horse Show Series in Berryville, VA. This is a Virginia Horse Shows Association Associate Show Series. The May 12th and August 11th shows are also pointed with the Short Circuit. There are divisions to suit every level rider from the Lead-liner through the 3’ Working Hunters. For all dates, classes, and information, please visit http://www.lockemeadows.com/LockeMeadowsShows.html
What exactly is being donated? Entry to one class? Entry for one horse in as many classes as you want? Entry for 25 horses?
I am confused.
I am donating 25 divisions, which equals 75 classes (each division = 3 classes). Let’s say the buyer has two equines; one horse, one pony. The rider wants to take the horse in Hunter Pleasure Horse (all three classes), Green Hunter Horse (3 classes), and Children’s Hunter (3 classes). That would be 3 divisions for that horse at that show (9 classes total). Then, the buyer wants to put the pony in Pony Pleasure (3 classes) and Large Pony Hunter (3 classes). The rider would have gone in 5 divisions (15 classes) that day. Since this is a show series, we have 10 shows scheduled for 2007, so they could use those divisions during any of our shows this year. Two of the shows are even Short Circuit Shows, so they are pointed with the VHSA and the SC!!
Or let’s say a parent has 3 kids that want to show. Child #1 wants to do Short Stirrup and Pleasure Pony. That would be two divisions. Child #2 wants to do Low Hunters, Pleasure Horse, and Green Hunter. That would be three divisions. Child #3 wants to go in Hunter Pleasure Horse, Green Hunter, and Working Hunter. That would be three divisions. That would come to 8 divisions that day.
**Riders winning this auction are eligible for our Year-End awards. With 25 divisions, this should give a rider a good head start!! :yes:
Got it.
That is VERY generous.
Thanks for the clarification. That’s how I read it but wasn’t positive. I agree, very generous.
If bidding for the entry fees reaches $400, I’ll also donate a stall for each show to the winning bidder.
Wow! How generous! I’m in Australia so this is not for me, but wow…if i was in the area, i’d definately do the 400 donation (all classes plus stall for the season! how great!). Unfortunately i’m not…
Hope it goes well everyone!
Yes, very generous!! Does the winning bidder have to use all 25 divisions in the 2007 season, or can they carry all or some over into following years?
More Info On Our Shows
Yes, you may use the divisions when-ever you would like (2007, 2008, etc). We’re also going to try to schedule some Jumper shows. I still need to get with Yellowbritches on dates, as I don’t want them to conflict with any Events. However, I make no promises on Jumper shows for 2007, as it is already proving to be a very busy year around our farm. :winkgrin:
Oh, I recently added printable prize lists for both our regular show series, as well as the Short Circuit Shows for this year. The divisions may be used at any shows held at our farm. :yes: Here is the link: