30LD vs 30C? Pros and Cons?

Hi all,
The state park up the road from my barn is hosting an endurance meet in a couple of months which got me thinking: how fun would it be to condition & then bring the baby eventing pony to one ride?
I am trying to decide whether I want to sign up for a 30LD or a 30C.
I’ve done FEI endurance as a kid in Europe (I realize AERC is different) and we didn’t have such things as “competitive rides”. Pretty much everything was “endurance races” (even at the novice 20/30 km level) which means I am a little baffled by all the categories offered on the entry form…

So Pros and Cons of Limited Distance vs Competitive?


Hi all,
The state park up the road from my barn is hosting an endurance meet in a couple of months which got me thinking: how fun would it be to condition & then bring the baby eventing pony to one ride?
I am trying to decide whether I want to sign up for a 30LD or a 30C.
I’ve done FEI endurance as a kid in Europe (I realize AERC is different) and we didn’t have such things a “competitive rides”. Pretty much everything was “endurance races” (even at the novice 20/30 km level) which means I am a little baffled by all the categories offered on the entry form…

So Pros and Cons of Limited Distance vs Competitive?


What state is the ride in? AERC rides are run pretty much the same all over the country but “competitive” rides are different by regions.

If this is an UMECRA ride you will be able to take longer on the endurance then the competitive if needed, you can also go faster. The comp ride will be a “set” pace with a 10 minute window. If your horse is ready for a 30 you might find the endurance has less rules and restrictions. In comp you can only use natural water on the trail for sponging and have to maintain forward motion the last 2 miles.

Yes, it’s a UMECRA event!
And thanks for the comments, this is very helpful!

Another plus of an LD vs CTR–if your horse gets goofy, you can get off and hand walk until his brain returns. If the CTR does a start in which riders go out at 30 second intervals, this can sometimes be a bit much for some horses. In the LD, you can wait until the herd leaves or go out with the herd.

Another vote for the limited distance. You have far more freedom to do whatever you like - walk alongside your horse, stop for longer periods of time, lay down on the trail and take a nap, or ride at any speed you desire - as long as you pass all the vet checks, and pulse down at the finish within the time allowed.

BTW - have fun, and enjoy the trail and the day. :slight_smile:

Thank you all! 30 LD it is then!

walk alongside your horse, stop for longer periods of time, lay down on the trail and take a nap, or ride at any speed you desire [/QUOTE]
And after all that conditioning, I very well may need that quick power nap on the trail :wink: