503 error

I’ve been getting this on and off for the last few hours - when it kicks up I typically can’t get the site to load for five-ish minutes before it spontaneously seems to resolve.

"This page isn’t working

www.chronofhorse.com is currently unable to handle this request.


More detail:
I’m not getting any of the freezing screens others describe in another thread (so I made a new one). It works fine, and then I click to go to a new page, and this error message pops up pretty immediately.

(using Google Chrome)

I was on a page and had

Error information: " 503 error Service Unavailable: Back-end server is at capacity""

pop up. Went to open COTH in another tab to see if that meant I’d get the same error and I got the same 503/unable to handle this request situation.

Same here, I reported that in another thread, good idea to give this a thread of it’s own.

It may be that there are working on the main server service and have dumped the current usage into a reserve service and is hitting it’s volume limit?

Not that I know, just a mere wild guess.

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Bluey, that was my thought.

First hit I got from Safari…

10.5.4 503 Service Unavailable. The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. The implication is that this is a temporary condition which will be alleviated after some delay.

From the w3.org website and I suspect these folks know what they are talking about :slight_smile:

Additional from a different URL on how to “fix” error 503

Regardless, there are a few things you can try: [LIST=1]

  • Retry the URL from the address bar again by clicking the reload/refresh button, or pressing F5 or Ctrl+R. ...
  • Restart your router and modem, and then your computer or device, especially if you're seeing the "Service Unavailable - DNS Failure" error. [/LIST]
  • Have things resolved overnight? It’s possible they may have been performing some site maintenance, but I will report the issue if it’s persisting.


    Happen once this morning, earlier, not sure it was not on my end.
    The router I have is temperamental.

    Then once when I tried to edit a post in the past 15 minutes, I did get the error something or other message.
    The writing notice was truncated, could not tell what the error # was.

    Has not since, for me.

    I haven’t had a 503 error since around 5:30ish (central) yesterday, so whatever was acting up on my end seems to have been resolved.


    I had the 503 error about 20 minutes ago. I am on Chrome.


    We are back on the main feed, if my bookmark/green square with the V is a valid assumption over the blue dot of the secondary/auxiliary feed.

    Ironically, I just got the 503 error trying to read the latest post in this thread. I had to delete my browser session and open a new one. That’s twice in the last ten minutes that I’ve had to do this.


    I too had one of those errors about ten minutes ago, while trying to edit something I just posted.

    This is in reference to what? I can’t figure out what you are looking at to see this :slight_smile:

    Last night, this morning, just now… not seeing the 503.

    I am on MacBookPro and Safari.

    There is a “bookmarks” page to access websites directly, with a list of those.
    There some have a generic blue dot, some have a symbol.
    The NRHA has a reining horse silhouette, Q for AQHA, WSJ for Wall Street Journal, a red horse head silhouette for The Horse magazine, etc.
    COTH has a dark green square with a white V embedded.

    When COTH was acting up, possibly on a secondary service feed, my guess was, it lost the symbol for a plain blue dot.
    Since this late afternoon, the symbol was back.

    Hope that explains what that was all about?

    Yeah, it does. Thanks.

    Something I’ve never noticed. I don’t use the bookmark page - I just have my bookmarks in a ribbon on the top and use those for access which is most likely why I’ve never noticed it.

    Cool :slight_smile:

    I can’t see letters too well, seeing double and fuzzy makes it hard.
    Those symbols help click on the right place the first try.

    I only have on the ribbon a few, not room for many there and, again, black thin letters on grey background as that ribbon is for me is hard to read.

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    I get using the tiles if reading small text/font is hard.

    If you look at the right hand side of the ribbon there is a >> which will display more bookmarks :slight_smile:

    Right where that >> should be, I have a tab asking me to enter a computer password I can’t get rid of.
    Any password I have doesn’t work, I think it is some rogue, lost tab.
    Can’t use the >>, can’t get that pesky tab to go away, laptop is getting old, don’t worry with such any more.