A BB Sing-a-long

Geez! Don’t I wish? Ricky looks great in that photo but man, I’m glad I don’t have to endure the scrutiny that she, uhm, I mean, he does! What a great entertainer, though.

MAZ - this summer we hauled to Kentucky Horse Park from Little Rock, which is a nine-hour haul. I drove my rig, alone - except for Madison, my Jack Russell - for the first six hours. I had a ton o’ CD’s stashed and by the time the first four hours were up we’d heard the original cast recordings of “Rent” (my favorite) and Evita - the film version, but just because it’s M. Patty Lupone, obviously, is much better.

My old trainer and I went to a show that was just 3 hours away and must’ve sang Shania Twain’s “If you’re not in it for love I’m outta here,” 200 times! Followed by Hole’s “Celebrity Skin” an additional 200 times.

VT, I think you should find another pic of Jair. He’s much more languine and pretty than that troll you posted! (Apparently that was snapped during his steroid phase!) LOL! (hint: think Lance Bass of N’Sync for a more recent version!)

Xani you’re a genius!!! the next Grammy is yours

-Anne Murray

OMG!!This is the best thread ever. VTrider, you are too too much. Ya got me gigglin’ here and I can’t stop. And it’s not from lack of sleep!!

Hmmmmm…wonder who I’d be??


I have it on good authority that Colin was inadvertently left off the list… In a private corresondence, Xani told me the following…

Colin – Courtney Love

Don’t know 'bout Doris but Maria Callas is DEFINITEY dead. Are you feeling melodramatic - is that why you ask?

I see that Morrissey is already Madonna.

Did I get left off because my name gives it away?

Hey Robby…glad the girth fits!!

I just wanted to bring this up to the top for guys who didn’t see it last week…I think it was Xani’s best creation ever…He definitely made our Friday funny!!!

Did anyone see me, WHOA! and DMK on NBC last night for our network special?

Colin = Marilyn Manson??

(Sorry, couldn’t help myself…)

Yes, I did in fact receive another email from you pleading for my hand in marriage. Let me think on it…now of course if you were to add Alice into the dowry package, I’d be on the next flight out.

This is one of my favorites…from left to right…DMK, VTrider, WHOA!

And VTrider claims her hair is natural. The picture proves it folks.

Oh Robby, I sing too, loudly and very very badly. But I do entertain myself. I was always told that singing show tunes were a true sign of the “Height of Gayness” (that was you that came up with that doozy of a phrase wasn’t it…re: the recipe thing…'cause that made me spit snapple, something I do a lot of when I read this board).

My trainer’s favorite driving tunes for the haul to HITS are the songs from the Original Broadway recording of ANNIE. Imagine us driving up to Catskills belting out at the top of our lungs, “Its a Hard 'Nough Life.”

Unfortunately the songs stay with you all week. And while the other aisles have their radios cranking out hip hop, my trainer and I sung the “Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow” as it poured all week and we dug trenches around the tent. Were we off key perhaps? Maybe we only succeeded in offending the Sun Gods!

This is the funniest thread ever!

Cleavage QUEEN!!!

Dixie Chicks? OK, I’m game, I’ll forego my lifelong policy about C&W music

VT, help me out, do I have to get Big Hair?

Yes, Teri, you HAD two legs on that trophy, until someone blew the whistle on you and your second win was cancelled - seems that “baby” pre-green horse had actually been doing the preliminary jumpers in Belgium for 6 years running. Now that trophy’s MINE, ALL MINE - keep your mitts off!

Let’s get a few things straight Xanax:

Celine Dion, my ash.

  1. I would not ever marry my elderly and bald manager. I married his assistant;

  2. I’ve never thumped my chest, in the manner of all Quebecois chanteuses, in public, whilst singing. Only in the privacy of my own shower;

  3. I have never met David Crosby so could certainly not have been inseminated in the bid to fulfill my heart’s desire to birth a child;

  4. Galliano, or no Galliano - I have never worn a tuxedo jacket backwards, topped by a fedora borrowed from Mistah. Cool on the street corner;

  5. I do not consider poutine an aphrodisiac.

Funny, funny, funny VTrider - but darn I had to miss 89% of it with a crashed server!!!

Xani, I think they meant you need to be ON Xanax. I don’t even know who Tony Bennett is. Was that someone in Duffy’s generation?

just don’t leave foot prints all over my face, okay?

May I be Doris Day? I have the teeth for it.