Unlimited access >

A friend has tried to register/sign up for membership and has been waiting for more than a week to be "approved" - why the delay?

So, in the past I think new members (not aliases or alters) have been approved pretty much right away, so what is the holdup?


I’m not sure why, but I’ve been noticing in recent weeks that some accounts are being held up in this way. We don’t typically manually approve any accounts. It’s an automatic process after they complete the email verification. I just went through and approved a bunch of accounts that were hanging in limbo this morning that had clearly “horsey” usernames or email addresses associated with them. If you or your friend could contact me directly at admin1@chronicleforums.com with her username and/or email address on the account, I’ll get it approved ASAP if it hasn’t been already.

Our apologies!

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Thanks Mod 1! Right after I posted this she told me she was “approved”, so she must have been one of those accounts :wink:

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Great – thanks for helping her reach out!