A heart breaking decision

The OP is not even responding to the many sensible suggestions. I have no idea if her original post was serious at this point.

The OP is not even responding to the many sensible suggestions. I have no idea if her original post was serious at this point.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, OP appeared out of the blue and then disappeared…either it was intended to start a discussion/bit of drama or she stopped responding when she stopped hearing what she wanted to hear: support for euthanizing the dog.

In case the OP is still listening (though I suspect a troll), I had to rehome my heart dog earlier this year. He took to snapping at my DD unprovoked. Even without the added liability of it being someone else’s child it was a risk I would not take. It was setting them both up to fail and it was going to make my own home miserable to live in with constant segregation.

I actually signed his euthanasia orders in case the rescue I got him through felt he was too much of a liability to rehome. I didn’t want the chance to second guess or make excuses for his behavior.
Instead the rescue came back within 24 hours of the bite and by the time his 10 day quarantine was up they had rushed the pre-placement checks to get him into the home I recommended. It couldn’t have worked better. But if it hasn’t, I was prepared as no child deserves to be put at risk when so many good tolerant dogs are euthanized for lack of homes daily.

By asking the question you know the answer.

We had to do this same thing once. Our dog was great, except around blond haired girls. My niece was three at the time and he growled at her every time she came around. Then he did it to another little girl. We could not take a chance.[/QUOTE]
You euthanized your dog for growling?

I’m a bit baffled by a new person coming onto a horse board and posting in the dog forum…