A little scary to be watching TVG and hearing this

How do you know? You don’t. It’s possible to like rap and racing.

I think the only label you can slap on the shooter is crazy. Let’s not start in with incorrect generalizations and criticisms of entire groups of people based on one nut’s actions.

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The whole concert-at-the-racetrack is not well thought out, although it brings in a lot of money. They had a big concert at Pimlico recently, Moonrise or something, and a thunderstorm rolled in. They went on the PA and told all the kids to evacuate the infield, but refused to let them in the grandstand, so really there was no plan in place or anywhere for them to evacutate TO. Chaos.

Another article on the shooting. Interesting to read that if the shooter had not used his gun outside the grandstand, he could have carried it inside with no problem.


The only sporting events I attend are the local NASCAR races :slight_smile: . They do use metal detectors at the gates.

It can be a PITA as it sure does slow entry down… even more when one is in a w/c… sigh.

NASCAR also does the clear backpacks and limiting sizes of bags carried in and will hand search any souvenir bags.

I wonder, since it’s been many years since I’ve been to a track, how hard it would be to gain access without going through the main gate. How easy is it to gain access to the back side? I don’t know.

Concerts bring in $$ and for tracks, that seems to be more and more a needed commodity. With concerts some some of the more ‘unsavory’ elements as I noted above. Also seems like more and more people have shorter fuses and a personal belief they should get what they want. I dunno.

Not sure I know what the ‘right’ answer is or should be for race tracks.

Well I think we can count on longer entrance times at tracks now because the answer might be to have more thorough checks and metal detectors. Good luck with plastic guns. At Del Mar, they do purse checks but no metal detectors. I wonder if they will from now on. And a side rant: what kind of idiot carries a gun into a concert? Alcohol? Crowds? Hello? Apparently there was some anger and frustration over the line control at the ticket counter which resulted in a fight. So now, the idiots have caused everyone in the future to suffer more and longer wait times as more thorough scans will be done of concert goers.

I don’t think access to the backside is a big issue, because I don’t think it’s the terrorist we have to worry about, or at least, I don’t think terrorists are the big issue; it’s more the drunk jerk, the insane person, or the crazed disgruntled employee who will always have access. Those situations are difficult to prevent.

“Plastic” guns will be problematic for more than just racetracks :frowning:

Crazy disgruntled employees could easily have access to the backside :frowning:

Overall, it isn’t the terrorist that’s the problem… it is the potentially under the influence, perhaps mentally ill, or disgruntled ex-emplloyee that is the problem :frowning:

Sounds like for the moment Del Mar security isn’t planning on metal detectors. Wonder what they’ll do when the fair is there…

The guy with the gun was trying to buy a concert ticket, not get into the track for the races. They won’t do anything to make getting into the races more secure. Besides, no one goes to the races anymore.

They hire event staff for the big events like concerts, KY Derby, Preakness, etc and they have bag checks. But just for those big events.

Getting into the backside is same as it ever was. Plenty of unsavory characters hold a valid commission license.

It doesn’t matter as far as security issues in this situation. The ticket counters at Del Mar are the same for the track and for the concert. Concert goers walk through the stands and have access to the same areas as visitors to the track and are arriving during the last race or two (I’m not sure how soon they let them in but the incoming crowds are noticeable before the last race). There is nothing to prevent concert goers from hanging out at the saddling enclosure, the betting windows, the stands or any other part of the venue which is open to those watching the races and there is a crush of people coming in that slows down the exit of those leaving after the last race. Having said that, when I was there a few weeks ago, it seemed like the incoming crown was not lingering or wandering throughout the grounds but pretty single minded about passing through the building to get to the concert area, which is separate.

My point is that I believe that whatever security steps are taken for the concert goers will be the same for horse race spectators, at least at Del Mar, which is a state-owned venue.

Maybe no one goes to some race tracks but Del Mar is popular and the stands are pretty full when I have been there.

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Concerts are not every race day, and they hire additional staff to help with the concerts. The concerts I’ve been to have been the same as most ball parks - you have a bag check and a ticket - even at the race track. I’m pretty sure they had wands as well. But not for the regular races, just for concert entry. Most tracks have free admission, because nobody goes to the races anymore. Pretty much anyone can walk in at any time. It’s just some of the boutique meets and big race days where the gate is staffed. Just the past year, no bag check x3 at Saratoga, x1 at Keeneland, and the only time I had my bag checked at Pimlico/Laurel was on Black Eyed Susan day. Never had a bag check at any other Mid Atlantic track, even those with casinos.

I am not disagreeing with you but adding this as extra info which appears to be a little different here:
Del Mar charges an entry fee (so does Santa Anita) and checks all bags. Some of the comments expressed disgust that a fight would break out over a $6 ticket. That six dollars in the discussion refers to the $6 price of entry to the track which would allow you to also see the concert. One article said the fight broke out when the line of people was moved to a different window; I suppose some lost their place in line. Also, I suspect that the reason the line was moved was to separate those who arrived on time (and were in line to buy a $6 ticket) from the later arrivals who arrived after the cutoff time and would be paying $30 instead. None of this information mitigates or excuses bad behavior; I’m just explaining what the situation is there.

Ticket prices:

From the website:

  • Concerts are FREE with admission before the start of the last race, concert admission is $30 after the last race.



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