A new disaster in the making?

After slogging through whole thread all I can say is Poor Horse. Not even considering the original post and horse;s health issues someone should have spoken to the buyer that a green OTTB is not ideal for a novice rider.

Many years ago while looking to purchase my first horse I also wanted to buy an OTTB and believed the horse and I could learn together. Fortunately my riding teacher explained to me why this was not a good idea.

This poor horse had a miserable life.Afer being poor from illness, gets irregular exercise from problably not a good rider, goes to a “cowboy:” to set him straight, ends up with Strangles and then probably ended up with kill buyer. So very, very sad.


It’s like we can see these train wrecks coming from miles away :disappointed:

Poor pony.


When uneducated-to-horses people and their fantasies come into ownership of real horses, the reality of such a large skittish animal seems to almost always have profound negatives for the owner, but the worst outcomes for the horse.