A Newy Year's WHAT?

I just found a white bunny on my front porch. Big Bunny ears. A little smudged, no telling how long he has been on the lamb.
Doggy (a weenie terrier mix) is losing her mind. That ‘cat’ sure looks funny!

Off to the store I went, to grab some supplies, a smallish cage, feed and hay.

Now what?
I mean, I have been grinning from ear to ear both ways, and don’t really want to find the previous owner. I will be the bigger person, I am sure, should somebody emerge.
For now the Bun is sitting partially covered up, munching on the hay and food.

Oh dear, what a start to the New Year.


Aww, thanks for taking her/him in. May we get a photo, please? We love bunnies. :kissing_heart: :rabbit2:


Poor baby. I’m so glad they found an empathetic porch to huddle up on.


Congratulations on your new bunny! :laughing:

The House Rabbit Society has been around for decades and provides great care information:



There he is.
Happily munching on Broccoli slaw and rabbit food.
The dog is driving me nuts, she cried and barked almost the whole night when we were in the bedroom, but I just can’t sleep in the recliner.
So bring on the coffee!


Awe! Sweet bun bun.

I hope that you get to keep it!

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I am making plans! :innocent:
Although I am trying to be prepared that somewhere, somebody is missing him.
And I think I found a use for the tiny chicken coop. It’s not big enough for 2 adult hens, but I guess it could become a good bun home.
Inside, not outside. It is barely predator proof. I was glad I had a steel cage for my 5 hens when I found a Husky in my backyard, giving them a look.
So far Mr Jellybean is chilling, stretched out, and redecorating the shavings.
So far so good!


Mr. Jellybean :yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart: I love the feel of a rabbits coat. Have always wanted one for a pet but…


How is Mr Jellybean doing?

Does he like his new chicken coop?

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I have not brought the coop in yet. It required some renovation.
Mr Bean is doing fine, enjoying his spring mix lettuce today and looking bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. He is ready to stretch his legs a little.


question for the bun aficionados:
Rabbits are communal animals, no?
I still need to contact a vet in the other town as my own does not see rabbits. After I made sure the Mr isn’t a Mrs, I am contemplating getting a mate of the same sex for him. I am not doing little buns, for sure.


You can get it spayed/neutered. Highly recommend as at sexual maturity can start spraying.

No they don’t need a companion. Some in fact prefer to be alone. Just like cats.


And if you happen to pick a “friend” they don’t like, you’ll have nonstop fighting buns that will have to live separately for their entire lives (including during “turn-out” time).

If you do want a second rabbit, I suggest going through a rescue group or shelter (around here our municipal shelters always have a few buns up for adoption)—that way you could bring one home, and if they fight, return him for a different one.


I got two males as babies and they always hated each other, I eventually rehomed one after he RIPPED THE OTHER’S EAR OFF. So…maybe not super communal :laughing:

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The biggest indoor bunny issue is the urine. Litter box training is the best solution. The cage needs to be pretty big to accommodate bunny quarters and a litter box. When our bun was solid on the litter box, we attached an x-pen to her cage. It was awesome to see her getting the bunny rips!

Oh, and bunnies like toys. Stacking cups, like you buy for toddlers, amuse them. They unstack them.

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Our bunny was a rescue, too. She only had one eye. Instead of litter, I used aspen shaving and then put her hay on top. She would hop in to do her business or munch on hay.


awe, what a sweety!

I did a check, and I am more confused as ever whether of not it’s a Mr or Ms Jellybean.
And Bunny seems to be litter trained. Each day I have to dump pee from the small bowl that was meant to be a food bowl.
Doggy is still losing her mind when the bun is having free time. We are working on a safe enclosure.


I had a Holland lop named Dumpling years ago. She loved the plastic balls made as cat toys. She chased them all over the house.

She also chewed whatever she could reach, including rug edges, wood furniture legs, and electrical cords—so many electrical cords. Surprisingly, electrocution wasn’t how she died. :roll_eyes: