A Pity Party - Not horse-related unless we factor in Sumo's love for horses

I had mumps as a kid and am still here. In fact, I had everything there was to be had when I was a kid. I’m not saying these “childhood” illnesses are duck soup to get through, but kids do seem to get through them.

I’m sorry to hear about your sister, but I think that’s highly unusual.

Cheers, Maggi

I think part of the problem is that I even disclosed to my mother, she of the infectious hysteria, that my Sumo-baby had the mumps. It’s like hanging out with people from the south, sooner or later, you end up speaking with a twang; or spending a month in Paris, by the end of which you’re a misanthrope who’s bought herself a small dog who proudly poos everywhere and you scoff at those who’d deign to ask that you clean up after Fifi.

For my family, mumps is the health millstone that we carry - much as cancer is for others. No, you’re not supposed to die from mumps; no, you’re not supposed to contract it after vaccination in this day and age…medical science is hardly foolproof. That’s what scares me.

Better he get them now than when he is 30 and ready for that big corporate presentation??? Could be a bazillion $$$ deal down the drain.

I agree with if the pediatrician is on the page and has it in hand, then do what you can to relax and get through it. Isn’t someone calling your mother for help? From far away? Like hours on a plane far away?

“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”

Heidi - the solution for all little Korean Kid maladies is of course - Kimchi - Kimchi soup, Kimchi compresses, Kimchi poultrices, and, well, you get the picture . . .

Kimchi - the Korean Oatmeal . . .

I woke up one Christmas morning and went down for my stocking…Then went up to my Mom’s room, where she was still safely snuggled in bed, and announced that my neck hurt. You should have seen it! LOL My poor family!!!

You and Sumo will get through this, Heidi. Big Hugs to both of you!!!

I can certainly understand your fear. I would be feeling the same way.

I won’t tell you to get a grip or slap you but I will be thinking about you and Sumo and looking for updates soon!

Mommy to Miss Maam

Worried mothers don’t need slaps. They need reassurance, rattling curb chains, and for their own mothers to loose their phone numbers (fat chance). BUT do keep the little chipmunk-face FAR AWAY FROM ADULT MALES if they haven’t had the mumps themselves. This can be VERY SERIOUS. Hang in there and don’t panic, we are all rattling away.


No no Duffy, we’re not supposed to HUG… we’re supposed to SLAP!

You sure 'bout that Heidi?

I’m afraid I would fail miserably at that particular mode of therapy.

Guess I’ll have to stick to the {{{{HUGS}}}} instead.

Hang in there!

Dear Heidi:

Hi and Hello. Very sorry to hear about the trouble; I am sure the little Koma will be perfectly ok. Korean kids are very very tough (as we both know; you have em and I teach hundreds of em . . .) so I am sure he’ll do fine. Best wishes

David G. the nonexistant . . .

Good luck with the mumps.

I got them right before Halloween one year. After my mom had spent hours sewing a clown costume. She considered that the worst aspect of the experience. To make this horse-related, we were able to recycle that clown costume for a few costume classes.

One of my fellow grad students got mumps. Not a good thing as an adult, since you have glands in so many interesting places that swell up.

I was really scared when I read this!

Then I realized it was a year ago. Phew!

Glad Sumo is okay, and then some. Hope he breathes freely and clearly soon!

Awww Heidi, sis and I survived everything from chickenpox to Pneumonia- don’t think we ever had mumps, but name any other childhood ailment and one of us probably had it. Hey, I’m still here, none the worse for wear. (ErinsTwin: Well, I dunno about her mental health, seeing as she has a split personality…)

Seriously though, I’ve never heard of anyone coming close to dying from mumps and that’s with both parents in the medical field. I did hear about a parasite that made its way into someone’s head and ate her brain, but… that doesn’t apply to you now does it?

This signature is being rented by JumperEq.

Grandparents worry. It’s what they do.

(I foolishly mentioned that my toddler had a runny nose, and the relatives start freaking about anthrax!)

Is your pediatrician worried? If not, then probably all is well. (I assume you mentioned the family history.) Did you ask the pediatrician what to look out for?

Meanwhile, lest Sumo get all the gifts, see if you can get a good word in for a new bridle or something.

Heidi, the next best thing to a slap is a bourbon, straight up.
Don’t fret, Sumo will get better soon!

and was about to warn the beast:

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>The world would be a terrible place without more Sumo-sans in our future. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

but alas, all is well.

BREATHE!!! Oxygen is a good thing!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Erin:
No no Duffy, we’re not supposed to HUG… we’re supposed to SLAP!

You sure 'bout that Heidi? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I’ve never slapped anyone before. Guess maybe I should start practicing. Erin??? Care to volunteer??

Heidi, How long was the drive back???


Not to be a bummer but be GLAD he got it now and not as an adult. It can leave you impotent (sperm wise) as an adult. When you’re younger it’s less likely to kill off the creatives juices…I’ve had several male friends who have gotten it from an infectious child. One now has a lower sperm count and the other is now shooting blanks. The world would be a terrible place without more Sumo-sans in our future.

Good look during the quarentine period!! Kids get cranky when sick and parents have to keep them in for periods at a time. My best happy thoughts prayers for you!!!