Indulge me, please.
We drove down with the brood this past week to spend an extended long weekend with our best friends and their godparents. Yesterday morning, Sumo woke up complaining that his face hurt. Once I rubbed the sleep out of my pre-caffeineated eyes, I noticed that one side of his face was swollen.
At first we’d thought that it was a reaction to a bug bite (they live in the woods among poison ivy and poison oak plants, not to mention nasty ticks). Their godmother is a nurse and she couldn’t find any evidence of infection/bites. As the day progressed, his face became progessively swollen so we decided to drive back a day early.
We went to see his doctor today who’s advised that he has the MUMPS!!! He’s not yet four so he’s only undergone a singular round of the MMR vaccination; and while unusual, it’s not rare that a child his age will contract mumps.
His case is a mild one, mumps is a virus so there’s nothing that can be done except to treat his pain (which has now migrated to the glands underneath his left ear) with Tylenol.
Ordinarily, I wouldn’t be terribly concerned – but my sister died at a young age from mumps which had migrated to her brain.
My mother, to say the least, is hysterical and has sequestered Sumo in her house, where I am sure, at the very least, he will become the proud owner of a lakeside cottage and a vehicle at week’s end.
If I listen to the hysterical voice which I’m trying to suppress, I’d start spinning conspiracy theories about a new form of mumps virus which has been unleashed by terrorists upon an unsuspecting public – of which Sumo is but one. Instead, I’ve decided to venture here so that others can slap me around and tell me to get a grip.