A Pity Party - Not horse-related unless we factor in Sumo's love for horses

Indulge me, please.

We drove down with the brood this past week to spend an extended long weekend with our best friends and their godparents. Yesterday morning, Sumo woke up complaining that his face hurt. Once I rubbed the sleep out of my pre-caffeineated eyes, I noticed that one side of his face was swollen.

At first we’d thought that it was a reaction to a bug bite (they live in the woods among poison ivy and poison oak plants, not to mention nasty ticks). Their godmother is a nurse and she couldn’t find any evidence of infection/bites. As the day progressed, his face became progessively swollen so we decided to drive back a day early.

We went to see his doctor today who’s advised that he has the MUMPS!!! He’s not yet four so he’s only undergone a singular round of the MMR vaccination; and while unusual, it’s not rare that a child his age will contract mumps.

His case is a mild one, mumps is a virus so there’s nothing that can be done except to treat his pain (which has now migrated to the glands underneath his left ear) with Tylenol.

Ordinarily, I wouldn’t be terribly concerned – but my sister died at a young age from mumps which had migrated to her brain.

My mother, to say the least, is hysterical and has sequestered Sumo in her house, where I am sure, at the very least, he will become the proud owner of a lakeside cottage and a vehicle at week’s end.

If I listen to the hysterical voice which I’m trying to suppress, I’d start spinning conspiracy theories about a new form of mumps virus which has been unleashed by terrorists upon an unsuspecting public – of which Sumo is but one. Instead, I’ve decided to venture here so that others can slap me around and tell me to get a grip.

No mumps but bad asthma attacks for Sumo the past couple of days - and hence the reason I’ve been accompanying him as he walks the ‘tightrope of tyranny’ (think young child pretending that the persian rug is a tightrope, envision middle-aged woman murmuring, “oh, no, we’re going to fall!” and you get the general drift of my days) from 9:00am-infinity…I’m hopeful that it somehow resembles the Swedish Oxer of Mercy as I’m due to resurrect my riding career this weekend. Ick.

Duffy, don’t I get slapped around on this forum enough as it is?? Why don’t you practice on one of our Perfect Juniors, like Becca or Kellybird? I’m sure they’ve never had that experience before… it’ll be good for them, toughen 'em up a bit.

Or better yet, maybe a DQ will volunteer. I’m sure they get slapped all the time!

I was reading this thread, in its entirety and while I was sad for Sumo Toddler, I was really glad to see that folks like Duffy, etc. were back to posting again. I was formulating a very sympathetic reply full of well wishes and then I got the ending posts and realized this was 100 years ago! Silly me.

Well wishes to you guys. I know what you’re going through… Aren’t toddlers great??

What’re you doin’ on the ground? I thought you said you could ride?!

Well, I was ridin’ when I fell off!!!

Well, I’m not sure how much comfort this will bring you, but I had the mumps very early as well, and not only did I survive, just look at how dandy I turned out! I’m sure that Sumo will be just fine. Don’t worry about the hysterical little voice within, either - I just got a phone call from my mom in Malaysia a couple of days ago, warning me that it really would be best to mummify myself behind locked doors until this “whole Anthrax thing” clears up. My dad called separately, telling me not to open any strange mail or speak to “suspicious-looking people.” You’re in wonderful company ! Hey, for some reason, I’m reminded - I developed a lost roll of film from Brandon, and I think I have finally found photos of the infamous Scotty. I’ll scan them, and you can tell me if you recognize him (shortish, rides a chestnut with a little white on its face . . . the shots are from the Dog and Pony Relay).


“Change your thoughts and you change your world.” ~Norman Vincent Peale

Heidi, how are things going? thinkin’ 'boutcha.

hmmm how did I not notice this was from a year ago? well, same aplies

~ Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once ~

Poor Sumo Well Heidi, at least your mom has Sumo to bug and not you, theres a bright side right?

Have someone take pics of you riding

~ Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once ~

Hang in there Heidi. All mothers know how bad mumps can be. He’s a strong and healthy baby,even tho he’s four. We are jangling curbs for you and him in a big way! Keep us informed, pleeeeease…

Totally missed Mumps, Chicken Pox, and Measles. Where was my mother when she should’ve been dragging me to sick kid’s houses so I could get these when you’re supposted to

Mumps can be very serious when caught by an adult. Please keep Sumo away from me - I can’t afford to miss any more time from work!

He’ll be fine, you’ll be fine, your mother… well, better get her a Valium!

“Always look on the bright side of life, de doo, de doo de doo de doo”

We had a horse who bored easily and would start chewing through his stall so that he could better commune with his neighbour. Nothing seemed to work until I was hit by the kimchee-epiphany. Yup, smeared the wall with jus-de-kimchee; and while our trainers weren’t terribly happy about the smell of fermenting cabbage lingering in the hot and stagnant summer air, lemme tell you, it worked like a charm.

I’d even bet you could insulate a barn with kimchee…

Sumo woke up complaining that one ear was blocked (of course, I immediately think that he’ll sustain long-term deafness) but after a bit of poking with a Q-Tip he seemed fine.

Breakfast consisted of his favourite, kimchee-stew, go figure, and he is otherwise engaged in a Pokemon battle with my 70-year-old father. And winning.

Thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers. I have vowed to Hans that I will not spend any more time surfing the CDC site as it only upsets me.

Perhaps Velvet is right (who’d a thunk?) - a little information is a scary thing.

Indulge me, please.

We drove down with the brood this past week to spend an extended long weekend with our best friends and their godparents. Yesterday morning, Sumo woke up complaining that his face hurt. Once I rubbed the sleep out of my pre-caffeineated eyes, I noticed that one side of his face was swollen.

At first we’d thought that it was a reaction to a bug bite (they live in the woods among poison ivy and poison oak plants, not to mention nasty ticks). Their godmother is a nurse and she couldn’t find any evidence of infection/bites. As the day progressed, his face became progessively swollen so we decided to drive back a day early.

We went to see his doctor today who’s advised that he has the MUMPS!!! He’s not yet four so he’s only undergone a singular round of the MMR vaccination; and while unusual, it’s not rare that a child his age will contract mumps.

His case is a mild one, mumps is a virus so there’s nothing that can be done except to treat his pain (which has now migrated to the glands underneath his left ear) with Tylenol.

Ordinarily, I wouldn’t be terribly concerned – but my sister died at a young age from mumps which had migrated to her brain.

My mother, to say the least, is hysterical and has sequestered Sumo in her house, where I am sure, at the very least, he will become the proud owner of a lakeside cottage and a vehicle at week’s end.

If I listen to the hysterical voice which I’m trying to suppress, I’d start spinning conspiracy theories about a new form of mumps virus which has been unleashed by terrorists upon an unsuspecting public – of which Sumo is but one. Instead, I’ve decided to venture here so that others can slap me around and tell me to get a grip.

you have to borrow suzy’s frying pan.

Heidi, everything will be fine, you and Sumo will get through this with flying colors.

Heidi, I’m sending all good thoughts your way. Mumps doesn’t seem like much in this day and age but I can understand why you’re worried. I would just have my pediatrician keep a close eye on the situation. Please keep us updated!

Erin, did I just see our moderator endorse violence on angelic juniors? How do you think we got to be so perfect?? Think ‘tough love;’ I’m the queen of deflecting slaps…and then serving them right back.

So no, don’t practice on me or Becca!


get a grip - he’ll be fine

no, really, he will…let us know how he progresses!

Frying pan sounds good…Could have used one of those a few years ago… ponder, ponder

My little brother had mumps at about the same age and with the same vaccination situation as young Sumo. He turned out just fine (though don’t tell him I said that.) I’m sure Sumo will as well.

Feel free to be a worry queen. You’re a mom. It’s your job. Oh and grandmothers have perfected worrying to a fine art! Even my own mother who would force us to go to school and do chores with fevers and colds is a quivering wreck when one of my nieces or nephews so much as sneezes in her presence. Every sniffle, cough, cut or bruise must be immediately tended to. The child must get plenty of rest, fluids, and PRESENTS!

Hope Sumo feels better quickly Heidi!

I had the mumps in grade 2 - not much fun! So I understand how he feels. Hugs to him!