I had a mild concussion (not enough to show damage in a CAT scan, but I was addled) when I broke both of my arms.
I took a header, was wearing an approved helmet, and managed to break my fall…using the arms. I shudder to think what my head/neck would have been like if I hadn’t gotten my arms up, and if I hadn’t been wearing a helmet.
I have no recollection of the fall itself, sort of wear it happened, and what I was doing, but not the actual impact. The pain from the broken arms was pretty intense and that is pretty much all I remember, and being splinted w/ saddle pads and sticks for the drive to the hospital.
I kept the paper napkin that my husband wrote the answers to my questions for years. I kept repeating the questions and had NO short term memory. I finally did throw that away (or lost it).
Now, I’ve NEVER been able to keep L/R straight, and as a yoga teacher and riding lesson taker, this is tough. But, I don’t really contribute this to my known header…of course, who knows, perhaps I had a concussion earlier in life. I don’t remember any head injuries though. I’ve simply found ways to work around that minor dyslexia. Pointing when indicating and using physical reference points. I can 100% keep inside/outside straight and an exercise I was recently given in a lesson required me to say L/R/L/R with the front hoof fall. So, last night, I’m practicing, and I realized, that L was ALWAYS outside when I was doing this mentally. Even when the outside was the right side…it was LEFT . Instead of stressing over it, I focused on my timing and was exceptionally pleased at how well the exercise worked!