ABC News 10/19/09 - Fort Myer Caisson Platoon has new mission

Did anyone else catch the story on ABC evening news last night about a new duty of the Fort Myer Caisson Platoon. I was so moved and was SO HAPPY my DH was in the room to see it. I work as a therapeutic riding instructor and was welling up with tears watching the wounded warriors ride. The story was very well done in my mind and brought home what an emotional and physical impact riding can have on a person’s recovery. I think DH really got what I do at work now. I would love to find the clip to forward it to the other instructors at my barn. Thanks to anyone who can find the link. I looked last night right after the news but there was nothing on the ABC website yet.

I want to note that the Caisson unit still serves in the original capacity, but it seemed to do everyone good to have a new duty to add to the list - therapeutic riding.

Found it!

If no one can find the link, what about calling your local abc news channel, and asking them?
I have written ‘abc’ before, and never got a response, but locally, they might be more helpful.
good luck.

ABC News 10/19/09 Fort Myer Caisson Platton has a new mission

Great video…I have seen this before and know the program over that. I can not wait to start… we have wounded ready to go… these warriors go thru so much and they just keep going. I was just with a wounded Sp Ops soldier today in the hospital to bring him a laptop and it never ceases to amaze me the courage of these heroes. And now with horses they can go to the next level…!

I visited that program when DH was in VA for a school. They are doing really amazing work. Holds a special place in my heart as my horses really helped DH with TBI related issues after his third deployment last year.

I am working to establish a wounded warriors program in my area. I am always so moved! A local therapeutic program will be using my facility. We have close proximity to the VA clinic and residence as well as 2 National Guard units. Because we are not heated there will be a delayed opening for April 2010. I am so excited!!!

How do I contact the platoon? My Lipizzan club visited them some years ago. They used to have Lippies and have since used mostly other breeds. But that appeared to be a white horse in one picture. I’d like to do a story for my Lip club and registry if they still have any Lippies in use.

Woodland, I too have to wait until Spring. It’ll be a long winter’s wait.

I am very excited to be able to offer my farm and horses, even though it will be a small start. I am praying that if it’s meant to be it’ll grow.