Abigail the BLM burro

She deserves her own thread. If anyone is thinking about adopting one, go to the auction event near you and pick one out. They had two sweet old fellows that were sale authority (means they can be bought outright). They need homes. Good homes.

Anyway, I brought Abby home at 3:00 pm yesterday. The flies are terrible because of all the rain we’ve had this summer. Abby already had some fly bite wounds but they were quickly getting worse last evening. Good burro let me spray her with fly spray through the fence. She later allowed me to spray blue kote on her fly bites.

This morning Abby let me scratch her shoulder and stand right next to her while putting on her fly spray. I’m off to the store to get Abby sized fly clothing, shavings to reduce the mud(mosquito breeding), and ointment for her wounds. By the end of the day, I hope soothing ointment will be applied. I also hope to remove her halter today.

I’m going to get the pony/donkey sized shoo fly boots. Does that sound right for a 12 hand donkey?


We’re also going to shift more firewood over to make her covered area ten by ten. We thought she was 10 or 11 hands, lol.


One more thing, her hooves are awful. She was in holding for two years and I’m not sure how she was trimmed, but they did something to her feet. Unfortunately, they took too much heel off (donkeys hooves are more upright than horses) and one hoof in the front is a bit of a slipper shape. I think I can get her used to her hooves being handled before our farrier comes out.


She is beautiful. Congratulations on your new family member. I am looking forward to reading all about her life adventures.


Poor thing has the firewood shelter until quarantine is over on August 21st. Vet said 40 days and a checkup before she joins the others. By then, she’ll have a special donkey pen, with a shelter, built just for her and Tony the mini donk.


I love her!


She is perfect!


Afternoon session went very well. She let me scratch her shoulders and neck (both sides). She let me take the halter off. She also tolerated ointment on the fly bites sores on her front legs. She was iffy about the back legs, but I got a little on. She was inquisitive about the shavings I put in her shelter. Good girl, Abby!


Abby is all ears, good girl. :heart_eyes:

Disposition in all, humans, dogs, horses, donkeys is so much of what makes life sweet.
Looks like you picked good, both of you lucky there. :hugs:


Abby escaped. We found the panels on their side and our goat hollering in the yard. There was Abby, looking a little confused. We don’t have a perimeter fence, but we have a longish driveway. Abby walked into our group of pines to scratch herself and seemed more relaxed in there. Why did she get out? We think it was to get closer to Tony, our mini donk. She brayed and ran briefly along the pasture where Tony and the goats live. Then, Abby walked back into the pines as we put gentle pressure to move her away from the driveway. I talked to her while hubby moved her panels to where she was. She now has a pen in the pines. Her escape included breaking quarantine by visiting Tony. After she was penned up safely, she watched Tony. I was worried about another escape attempt. Let’s face it, she’s probably never been without another donkey. So, since he was already exposed, I put Tony in with her. Ugh. I had a plan. She had a different plan. I think she is a good girl, but she has told us what she needs to be happy.


Tony is the opposite of Abby. Tony was a bottle baby pulled from his mom at two months (stupid mini breeders). He hasn’t been around another donkey until now. He looks quite pleased.

Yes, we tied the panels, lol. The new donkey paddock will be done by the end of the week. If I can get Abby halter trained by then, she might follow Tony to the new paddock.




Two happy donkeys greeted me this morning inside their shared pen. Yay!



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Hopefully Tony’s human-loving presence will speed along the training process.


Oh dear. I found her weakness. A tiny amount of TS Senior (low sugar). Her little eyes lit up like, “So this is why most of my species is tame!” She ate from my hand. :revolving_hearts:


Bless you for taking her.
Such a sweet face & still semi-trusting after 2yrs in Holding :sleepy:

:laughing: Tony will be in Donk Heaven.
Hope he likes his wimmin BIG :sunglasses:
& Abigail doesn’t mind a Short King :wink:


I’ve trained several donkeys over the years. I think the process usually involves negotiation. Burros are stoic creatures so I assume she is much more stressed than she appears to be. She looks more relaxed today. Partly getting used to us. Maybe because she can see the horses now. A lot because of Tony. I will continue to negotiate with her. :joy:


Right, whatever she wants, she gets. Successful negotiation! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


In her new paddock.