About this forum...

We WANT to be the forum for disablities

It was the original purpose of starting this forum to exchange any information, encouragement, guidance and creative ideas that will help us. If you look at the forum now, we have programs that are starting find each other. DressageGeek and EquineArtworks are encouraging specialhorses and programs that will give us a place to look for horses that can do therapy/para work. We need to learn the training to make a different system of cues and adaptations. We need sources for equipment.

Let your mind explore what you always wanted to have or know. If you don’t ask, no one will answer. If you ask, we will look for answers. Be part of the energy of change and hope!

I have heard once that sports where animals are included improve a lot when it comes to healing processes and disabilities. I think it is a good idea, for someone with a disability (and for someone without as well) to take lessons in riding a horse because it doesn’t only improve the character but also the healing process and it is very good for one’s soul :slight_smile:

This is a GREAT idea…thank you

i’m glad to find you-i’m new-and having trouble figuring out how to search and how to start a new thread

i am dealing with a fractured pelvis (me-not horse)

i googled and know somewhere on here there is a tread but haven’t found it yet

i’ll keep trying and will check back here if anyone has time to help

Just a note to let everyone know we changed the forum title to “Horsemen with Disabilities” to ensure that everyone knows this forum is open to riders, drivers, folks who work with horses on the ground, etc. Again, it may not be the perfect title, but we wanted to be clear that the forum definitely included all of the above!

Welcome to the Chronicle forums wacs49! I saw that you’d found the previous thread about broken pelvises, so we moved that thread over to this forum, which didn’t exist when that thread was started.

It’s great to add your experiences and questions on to an existing thread on the same topic, but if you ever do want to start a new thread, just click on the “new thread” button. It’s on the left side of the page, at the top of the list of existing threads in a given forum.

If you have any other questions about how the forums works, you can send me a private message (just click on my username and select “send a private message”) or post a question in the “Help” forum.

Best wishes on your road to recovery and welcome aboard!
Mod 1

i’m glad to find you-i’m new-and having trouble figuring out how to search and how to start a new thread

i am dealing with a fractured pelvis (me-not horse)

i googled and know somewhere on here there is a tread but haven’t found it yet

i’ll keep trying and will check back here if anyone has time to help[/QUOTE]


Is this the thread you are looking for?

Neat name change, the new one is sure fine.:cool:


Has anybody heard of Pegasus Therapeutic Riding? I used to volunteer there. It’s a riding stable where the stable is specifically for people with disabilities, whether they be physical, mental, psychological or emotional. I think most of the horses are donated, the workers are almost all volunteers and I think it’s nonprofit. The people and horses there are miracle workers. Please check it out!

Really nice idea!!