Welcome to the new Riding with Disabilities forum!
The name of the forum may be subject to change, but we wanted to provide a place for the exchange of ideas, recommendations and support for equestrians who face the unique challenges of physical or mental disability when riding, are involved with therapeutic riding programs, or who are returning to the saddle while recovering from serious illness or injury.
The forum is malleable to suit your needs, so please take advantage of this opportunity to communicate and network with others.
We may establish more guidelines for this forum if it becomes necessary, but as a start:
Please be advised that any medical advice dispensed in this forum is the OPINION of the poster providing it. As with anything posted here, the Chronicle of the Horse magazine and its affiliates are not responsible for the comments in this forum and individuals should seek proper medical attention for any problems they may be experiencing.
That being said, it’s understandable that in the course of discussion of physical or mental issues that affect a person’s ability to ride, there will be references to related courses of treatment, rehab methods, etc.
This forum shouldn’t be used as a avenue for discussing general medical issues, but you are welcome to ask for input or give advice re: overcoming or handling these specific issues or symptoms as they DIRECTLY RELATE to riding.
We want to keep the focus away from becoming a “Human Care” health forum, a la our existing “Horse Care,” as there are lots of existing sites that focus on human medical issues. We want to keep our focus here on addressing aspects if these issues that are unique to our equestrian community.
So, chat about your therapeutic riding program and techniques that have worked for your students, share a tack modification tip that helped you overcome a problem, give trainer recommendations, etc.
Have fun and please let us know of ways you think we could improve the forum. Also, if there are existing threads you think would be a great fit here, please send us a link or an alert (by clicking on the triangular exclamation point icon in the upper right corner of a post in that thread), so that we can move them over.
Thanks and enjoy!
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