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Acavallo non slip pad leaving bumps on horse

I ordered, and just used, an acavallo respira non-slip pad w front riser. My horse had bumps under the pad when I took it off. They are raised, smooth, not itchy. Wondering if this is normal from the pattern of the riser or it’s skin irritation and I shouldn’t use on the princess.

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I used an Acavallo rear riser on top of a baby pad, not directly on the horse’s back.


I bought it as a non slip pad and acavallo says they are safe directly on horses’ skin but I think I’ll have to use it between saddle and pad instead.


Does it groom out when dried? It looks like the hair slicks down with sweat under the gel, and the hair in the holes stays drier and fluffy.

no the bumps stayed for an hour yesterday then I left. don’t know how long it took to resolve. He wasn’t particularly sweaty either. they are very firm and raised.

Just a guess but perhaps an allergic reaction, with the swelling in that pattern from seeking a path of least resistance, that being the holes in the pad. I saw somewhat similar presentations under quilted saddle pads with my horse of years ago who suffered from multiple allergies.

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I’m by no means an expert in saddle fit, but I would question the fit being too tight with this pad.

I wouldn’t put that pad back on that horse. Worth checking the fit of the saddle/pad combo to get an idea if the fit is the problem or if she is sensitive to the non slip material.