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Accom/getting to WEG


My family and I are visiting USA from Australia. After visiting friends in Charlotte, we are going to watch WEG eventing.

Can anyone advise on best options for accom/transport for a family of 4 (with 2 small children). We will most likely be hiring a car as it seems public transport is not really viable. The accomodation options I’ve seen nearby are bordering on ridiculous in terms of prices. It is really hard to research when I don’t know the area.

Advice please!

We are going to the WEG from Australia (NSW) as well. I opted for a tour because I had organised ourselves to go to the WEG in Kentucky and found it an absolute nightmare to do from overseas! Silly me had figured that as an American who grew up in the South, I could manage. We used an American tour company to go to Normandy and had a good time . . . we made it to the XC with time to spare! So, based on the Kentucky experience, we are using that same company. We are staying in Asheville, they got our tickets and will be conveying us to and from the event so I don’t have to drive! If you are interested in their details, please feel free to PM me. But hopefully, someone here will have some good advice for you!

Hi there… I noticed on the SQRHA Facebook page someone selling tickets and accom who was unable to attend (reining and some eventing)… https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1902782556411182&id=106035296085926… we will also be there.

The first week seems to be more popular and will be harder to find accommodations than the second week. Folks with rooms use AirBnB and the Facebook page, Tryon Equestrian Accomodations, among others. Look at Columbus, Tryon and Green Creek (an area centered on Hwy 9 in Polk County, not an actual town) in North Carolina and Landrum and Campobello in South Carolina. All are close. Polk County and Rutherford County are the two NC counties near TIEC.

Early on, there was talk of a shuttle from Charlotte to the games, but I haven’t seen anything about it recently. You are correct, there is no public transport. Some private van / limo companies do provide airport transportation.

Tyr checking Hotels.com, which appeared to have some rooms the other week when I checked. Yes, room prices are insane because there simply isn’t an infrastructure set up to handle the influx of people. Tryon is in a fairly rural area and the US as a whole does not have decent public transportation options. I am coming from the midwest to attend and basically pulled up a map of the area and looked at available places to stay until I found something I could afford that was fairly close. I believe that people will be able to park in a lot on Rt 20 and take a shuttle to the actual park from there. That might help you in your search. Good luck!