Achilles surgery - need good protection for walking boot and advice

Hi. I am just shy of 4 weeks out from Achilles surgery. Soon to be weight bearing and get a walking boot. I am trying to prepare getting back out to my barn. I have a small two stall barn on my property with older horse and pony as residents. My feed/tack room and hay room all on ground level. I purchased a waterproof cover for my walking boot. I’m looking for any helpful hints on how to best protect brace when getting back into barn chores.

Trying to be realistic about how soon I can get back to feeding and mucking etc. My incision is still healing so haven’t yet started PT. I understand that PT will be able to best give me instructions on exactly when I should begin these activities but would like to hear of others experiences if possible. If anyone had Achilles surgery I would appreciate hearing how your recovery went. Thanks.

I’m not sure how much protection you really need for a walking boot. They are pretty tough.

I’ve had mine for 3 years & used it on & off throughout - 6 weeks first surgery, 10 weeks second surgery, 4 week stints a few time - it has a lot of miles on it. :lol: I’ve clunked around in barns, but not done heavy barn work in it. Been through lots of wet parking lots & hung Christmas lights & other yard work. I’ve never had a cover of any sort on it. Out & about, I just wear socks under it.

Basically, I just knocked the sawdust out of it at the end of day. It dries pretty quick if wet (but it is kind icky feeling :slight_smile: ) I finally replaced the liner this summer. It was washed a few times.

I didn’t have Achilles tendon surgery, I had peroneal tendon (right next door) surgery. Theoretically, doc said I was PWB at 4 weeks & FWB at 8. Reality was PWB at 6 weeks & crutches until 12 weeks. I had a rough time, but it was also round 2. I didn’t have to do barn work, so I think I finally got to a barn around 10 weeks, mostly because of the drive there.

Red Mares - Thanks for information. Hope second surgery will be your last one for your tendons.

What you provided is so more realistic than the information from surgeon. I am really thinking about what to use for mucking stalls - the horses are on their choice for in and out but they must choose in a lot because stalls need cleaned twice a day. My concern for the cover was that I will need to wear the walking boot to barn and then go to work in the mornings and really didn’t want to have the “odor” while at work. I might like it but would hate to be in a meeting and someone make a comment. :lol: Thanks for sharing your experience.

I’ve mucked stalls in mine a couple times and didn’t have any problem. It’s like wearing any other shoes - if you don’t step in it, you’re OK.

I did take a certain perverse delight in letting my OS know that the new liner had been christened at the barn. :smiley: He did that non-horse person blyuck thing.

If it’s that big of deal, the boots themselves aren’t that expensive, most are less than $100 new, I would just get a spare. Either try craigslist or google to find one. I had 2 for a while - one from each surgery. The first one is loads more comfortable & I wore it instead of the doctor issued one (I got it partly because of “Hey, I even washed it!” while he was looking at my sutures),

Having 2 different ones was kind of nice because just have a slightly different fit every once in a while great, like putting on a different pair of shoes.

You are correct. I’ll try to get another one - once I get my “real first” walking boot and see how it goes. Lol about the “non-horse person blyuck thing” response.

How about a large zip lock bag? That way you won’t find yourself going to work with bits of manure, shavings or hay sticking to your walking boot. They’re relatively inexpensive, so easy to replace as needed.

I’ll try the large zip lock but my “boot” is rather large. I’m not yet walking - still using two crutches and heel for balance only so not done any chores. I did purchase another boot liner from Amazon so have liner to wear when washing the other. I just passed week 6 so hopefully will be able to start PT and get moving. Thanks for the input.

Some grocery stores carry the really large bag, I think they are 2.5 gallons or maybe 3 gallons.