achilles tendon pain

??back of ankle between and below ankle bones…achy and tender. i had a big show last week…lots of riding and standing…should i wrap it? ice it? any suggestions…?

[QUOTE=Trixie’s mom;4858734]
??back of ankle between and below ankle bones…achy and tender. i had a big show last week…lots of riding and standing…should i wrap it? ice it? any suggestions…?[/QUOTE]

Is it tight feeling? I broke my heel and tore the achilles…in PT first its warm water in whirl pool for 10 minutes, then hands on message for 10, then stretching exercises, then ice.
So warm bath…do some easy stretches <think heels down> and then up on toes, then ice. Or if you think you injured it Ice is always good to begin.

Sounds like an acute strain…

Typical RICE works well.

I’d say the bigger problem would now be strength. Without knowing background, hard to tell, and if it is through the joint if you are the “right age” then could be indication of arthritis.

After RICE, get on a strengthening program, bring your foot a little more home in the stirrup to take some of the load off the tendon and don’t force heels down.

If you still have a problem in a month, follow up with a physician.

Medical Mike
equestrian medical researcher

ok mike, thanks for the advice…i just don’t know what RICE is…lol.
my horse is very bouncy so my ankles are a moving when i sit the trot…i try to keep them still but it’s a struggle.

I have messed up my achilles, and am working on seeing a doc. However!
I think I have to ditch my joined stirrups, at least for the interim. :frowning:

RICE = Rest Ice Compression Elevation. Basically wrap it, rest it, ice it and put it up on a pillow so that it’s higher than your heart.