Adding weight

I’m looking into FEI riding and saw that they have lower weight limits for competition. This is an interesting problem for me because most endurance equipment is designed to be lightweight and for me to compete I need to add roughly 60lbs of tack.

I don’t usually carry bags of any sort but I imagine that I could put something heavy in them and tie them to my saddle, ideas on what to put in them? I also really hate pommel bags but I would worry about uneven weight distribution using just a cantel pack. Thoughts on this?

Also due to my tiny-ness I’m suppose to talk to a saddle maker about the possibility of a custom saddle in the future (you know, when I hit the lottery) but was hoping they might be able to make it heavier somehow while not making it too bulky. (Feel free to give me idea’s on how.)

I suppose I’ll load up on some cupcakes while shopping for a 14" western saddle made in the 80’s. :wink grin:

In your other post you said you started “dabbling” in Endurance just this year, so with all due respect, you still have ways to go before qualifying yourself and your horse(s) for FEI Endurance. Making weight is the very least of your concerns.

Looks like you live in the US so you would begin by joining AERC, volunteering at rides, conditioning your horse(s) and beginning to compete in your region to see how you do. If you end up with an FEI caliber horse, congratulations! Once you have enough miles to qualify, you can then enter the (very few) FEI rides in the US.

Best of luck, and welcome to Endurance!

Oops, I don’t think that was me, but I did reply to a few post to newer riders? I’m surely not an expert, but I’ve been “riding endurance” for six or so years at this point. However I’ve only recently joined AERC and begun to compete via catch riding horses for others (yay!!). I’m still financially unable to compete my own green horse (who is possibly 100 mile capable but probably not FEI caliber) and probably will be unable to compete her until I graduate college in another few years. That being said I do have more milage to put in before FEI, but the people I primarily ride for do FEI and have said that if I was able to they would like to have me on a few of their horses next year if I can qualify. Thus, I figured I’d look at the rules and familiarize myself with them, although I’m sure they will help me learn as we go through AERC rides.

The weight thing just stuck out to me as I was reading, because, I know that’s something that will likely be an issue for me being child sized.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Sorry I mistook you for another OP, my apologies!
If you already work with FEI riders, they will show you the ropes and you should be in good hands. I believe you can simply add weight with these thin (cast iron?) weights that can go into specially made pockets on your saddle pad.
Good luck and be safe!

Not a problem at all :slight_smile: You gave all good advice! The people I’ve started riding with are absolutely wonderful, I’m just always trying to pick up whatever information I can to store for future reference. I know they use plates on race horses I would just worry about bouncing, which may equal rubbing over distance. I suppose it’s something we’ll have to fool around with when the time comes.

Btw, clicked on your profile and just wanted to say way to go on your cougar rock picture! I’m hoping to be able to crew for Tevis next year and eventually ride it one day :slight_smile: Happy Trails!

Weights get added everywhere- girth, saddle, saddle pad, stirrups, bags and stirrup leathers. Pretty much anywhere besides the head :slight_smile:

Working with FEI riders you must see many legal tricks you could share as well?