Ads making it difficult to read posts

On quite a few pages, the ad column that is down the side of the page is overlapping onto the actual threads themeselves, making it impossible to read the far right side of what has been posted. They overlap all the way to almost cover up the “quote” button.
On the main page for discussion forums, the ads overlap so that you can’t see how many times a thread has been viewed, and they almost cover up the “log out” button as well.
Any way this can be fixed? My screen is full page on my desktop, and I haven’t found anyway to narrow down the ad column.

As an aside, the ads that constantly change text, animate, have flashing stars, etc. are VERY distracting. :sigh: Before this change we had an option of viewing the board with no ads, has this option disappeared?


Unfortunately, the ability to view the board without ads was a design flaw and not something they did intentionally.

Frankly, I would pay for some kind of premium membership that would get rid of that ad bar to the right. My eyes are constantly moving to the flashing ads (none of which interest me in the least) instead of reading the text.

I manage not to be distracted by the ads. I don’t look at them, but I really would like to be able to read the whole messages too!

Hmm. I have no problem reading posts. Nothing is cut off.

It appears that the problem has been fixed, thanks to the person that took care of it whoever you may be!:slight_smile:

My problem with them is that they make the board about 192098320834 times slower.

It’s more a bandwidth issue, I beileve, regarding your server.

To minimize the ads on the right hand side, go to the maximize/minimize button at the top right corner of your screen, and click it so it’s NOT full screen. Then drag the right side of your vertical viewing bar in, and pull the side in to eliminate the pictures.


If you’re still having a problem, check the resolution of your monitor. You may not have the settings for optimal viewing of the website.