So because of this thread I ordered the Compositi Eole stirrups and they came last week. I had a major ankle surgery in January and my surgeon is NOT amused at the idea of me using stirrups for at least another few months. Well I love these things. I got this model because I thought they were a little nicer looking than the slightly cheaper original model.
With that being said, I am not one to upgrade to the latest greatest thing or spend a ton of money with out need. I have been happily riding in my cheese grater pads in plain stirrups since the beginning of time – have tried jointed stirrups before and was not a fan. I am a flat-Hermes-saddle loving, velvet-helmet loving, traditionalist, so for me to like something new says something. (I confess, I have been won over by the white wrap collared shirts do to the cooling fabric and mesh in the sleeves.)
My barn owner (eventer in her 50s) was curious about them and we were both skeptical. Perhaps I was having a placebo effect out of hopes for my newly fixed ankle? She hopped on in my saddle too and instantly said “oh wow! I didn’t think I would like these but I need them… they are… comfortable!.” I agree. I never thought of my stirrups as “uncomfortable” previously, but these certainly are more comfortable.
My biggest fear with these was that I would somehow feel unstable, but I felt secure in them. Admittedly I can only trot a few times around on my ankle currently (and because I am so out of shape after being on human stall-rest for months) but I was able to do an extra lap each direction AND we did a tiny cross rail pain free!