Advice and tips on working with my very nervous first horse? (Update #12: Great news at last!)

This. A pointy elbow can do wonders to direct a horse’s shoulder in the direction you want (particularly if they’re feeling very up and might want to circle in front of or over you).


Tbh I’ve considered it, but I’ve never been taught how to use a chain and I’m worried that even watching/reading stuff on how to use it I may inadvertently hurt her. Right now her setup is a leather halter for turnout - they are all turned out with halters on, and I wanted something that would for sure break if it got caught - and then when I lead her I have a two-knot rope halter to give more control. BO has been a horseman for 50 years and he uses a chain with her in the AM for the psychological effect of her knowing it’s there and says it works like a charm so I may ask him to demonstrate.

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Also, bonus content: here is a pic of Ms. Beastie yesterday, considering her reflection in the massive lake that opened up in the driveway like Narcissus looking at himself in the pond. I’m very lucky in that she’s like a duck - zero hesitation going through water and pretty interested in it too. The only problem is when she tries to drink from them. You can also see the undermuscling on both of us here… whoops.


Can you schedule time with your BO (with an offer to pay of course) for a ground safety “lesson”? How to correctly safely enter stall or enclosure, halter, lead, safety spot, how to control horses speed, direction, shoulder and haunch? In the pic above, if she spooks or backs away, you are in trouble and she could get loose. Thats easy to change with just a little help.

Or, since there is a race training operation there, perhaps lead groom or assistant trainer could work with you? Race barns don’t have time to coddle them and cannot afford avoidable injury to human or horse.

Think you do have access to help if you reach out.


That sounds like a great idea! I never actually considered that. I know about some of those things already given that I’ve been around horses for years now, but help leading would be great. There isn’t an assistant trainer, interestingly - he does everything himself, which is pretty damn impressive. The guy’s out there on the track for hours after working at his day job.


Good for you, keep your eyes and mind open and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

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Sometimes we tend to think more experienced horsemen just have talent or some majick skill we can’t learn but in fact there is so much we can learn. The track dude sounds like a great resource.


:thinking: Why is this a problem?
Every time I dump the 50gal barrel that serves as my trough, to scrub & refill, my horses all drink the spilled, algae-dirtied water I’ve dumped.
Even though the barrel is now filled with pristine, crystal clear fresh water.
:woman_shrugging: Maybe scum adds flavor?


I don’t think anyone has mentioned it yet, but if I see a QH especially with a complaint of not wanting to pick up the front feet or being anxious about it (which may come off as lack of balance because they want to put the foot back down), I would think the front feet are bilaterally sore. A symptom of “navicular” horses which is what would raise my suspicions especially in a QH type. If this horse is well handled with the hinds, another reason to consider the front feet are sore.


Props for the mythological reference!


@IPEsq I may be behind, 171 posts do that, but I thought she was now a TB.


@hemitheconyxcaudicinctus did you do the Jockey Club DNA test?


General consensus I thought was that she’s probably a QH or appendix. The reasoning for being an OTTB was just the spookiness and what appears to be a sketchy history. Pics look VERY Appendix to me personally, but who knows.

I’m curious, doesn’t the DNA test require something to compare it to? Known parent(s)? Just DNA testing a horse wouldn’t necessarily be able to ID it, or am I confused?

The QH I babysit has stifle issues and is hesitant to pick up the opposite front foot for picking. Id wonder about that here as well as or rather than balance issues as suggested by the OP.
I don’t think that’s necessarily just a qh thing, either. My first TB had weak stifles, easily remedied and maintained.

Has the vet done an exam yet?
In my book that would have been priority.

All Registered Tb’s have DNA on file. I forget when it started but it’s a solid 20+ years old… at least.

Found it:


" 3. How is the parentage of my Thoroughbred verified?

In 2001, The Jockey Club switched from blood typing to DNA typing for parentage verification. Although blood typing was state-of-the-art for many years, DNA typing is 99.9% efficacious. This high rate provides the greatest assurance modern science has to offer for the integrity of The American Stud Book. The genetic testing laboratories under contract by The Jockey Club compare the genetic factors present in the sire and dam to those factors present in the foal. These comparisons indicate whether the sire and dam reported do indeed qualify as the sire and dam of the foal."



Being given an inappropriate feed could be a big part of her tenseness and anxiety especially as it sounds like this happened about the same time that the anxiety increased. Good for you for making it very clear that your instructions, especially those based on vet recommendations, are NOT to be ignored. Also, speaking of diet, many horses are deficient in magnesium and one of the main symptoms is tension. You may want to try a magnesium supplement.


That’s so interesting! Learning something new everyday

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Absolutely cool isn’t it.

That’s why if there’s a question about a horse possibly being a TB and it’s 20 year old and under, it’s worth the $80 fee to submit the hair sample for DNA testing.

Then they can give you conclusions.

Remember too that NO Tb’s under the age of 6 have Tattoo’s anymore. ALL of them are microchipped now. So if they tell you it’s a warmblood, you’ll need a chip reader to disprove it now.



Most Americans (humans) are also deficient in magnesium, I’ve been told. Soaking your feet in Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) is a good way to fix it. After seeing that on Dr. Oz I tried it. Oh, gosh, I felt like a puddle of pudding, so relaxed and calm. Just went and lay down.

So the reasoning was a lot more than that, I listed it somewhere or another here but for ease of access:

  • very narrow, deep heartgirth, big shoulder, high waist
  • thin skin, hard keeper, thin winter coat even after months in the North now
  • history of ulcers as response to stress - I understand that all horses can get them and that they’re common in sporthorses too, but realistically, TBs do have a high prevalence of this specific issue
  • not-fantastic hoof quality, farrier said they seem like TB hooves from his experience
  • generally ‘hotter’ disposition
  • came from Kentucky
  • long straight facial profile
  • thoroughbred-typical (IME) willingness/heart - for her PPE she cantered through some pretty notable puddles in the rain without any hesitation or complaining whatsoever

I didn’t realize it had been going on that long. I will probably look into it, website was a little unclear and I walked away with the impression that it wasn’t open to the public somehow.

Just checked and it looks like magnesium is not included as a trace mineral in her feed. Time to research getting her a supplement for that.

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