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Advice needed: sticky trainer situation

I have a gelding that I have just recently started to make payments on!! In the contract it says he has to stay at the barn we are currently at. Originally my trainer wanted us to purchase this horse as an investment, which we never really wanted as he was a really special horse. After mentioning we did not want to sell him, she started making quite comments about selling him. That making me a little frustrated I flat out told her that he was not to be sold until I feel that we have grown out of each other or if they wanted him for a price you couldn’t refuse. A week after we told her this she then approached us about how somebody wanted to purchase him for a very low price… I understand her reasoning behind this but I don’t have a good feeling about the situation. I am worried that if we talk to the owner of the horse he will say that he still doesn’t want the horse to leave and then I will have a horse who’s I love dearly! I know it is a weird situation but just wanted to see if anybody had any input. Thanks!

Not sure why the trainer wants you to sell a horse you don’t even own yet unless they don’t feel it is a good match. Pay for the horse in full and then you can do what you want.


Yes I would pay the horse off, move him, and continue on.

ETA: I am a little confused on your wording. You are buying a horse you just started making payments on. But you say that she wanted you to buy him as an investment? If you are buying him, and you are under contract, he can’t be for sale can he? Do you have a written contract? I sure hope so!


I’m a little confused here.

Who actually owns this horse? If you’re making payments on him, then how is it that the trainer is trying to sell him to someone else?


I don’t get it.

You are buying a horse on time and part of your agreement means you have to keep him at this barn/trainer until he’s paid off. Trainer wanted you to buy the horse as an investment. You want to keep him forever or until someone offers you crazy money for him. Then trainer comes to you with a low offer?

Meh… so what? Just thank them for their interest and say no.

And why would the trainer bring you a shitty offer that you don’t want and also which doesn’t fit the criterion of “investment horse”? I’m confused.

And the rest of it… speaking to the owner of the horse? You mean the person to whom you are making payments on time? And what could happen? Again, I’m confused.


I really can’t understand what is going on here. OP how old are you? What kind of total price are we looking at, low or high? Are you leasing to own?

Is the contract that the horse needs to stay there until it is paid off, which would make sense? Or forever which would be unusual.

What does investment mean? Is the horse green? Are you planning to show? How would the horse gain in value?

What horse world are you in, what discipline?

I can’t see how or why trainer would be looking for another buyer if you have a contract to buy this horse?


Are you buying this horse from your trainer? That’s the only way your question makes sense.

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I agree with earlier posters. The question is a bit confusing as you cannot sell a horse that you do not own.

In a different note, it sounds like you and your trainer have differing views about the role this horse is going to play in your “journey” for lack of a different word. She is calling the horse an “investment” horse and is bringing you offers. Does she think this horse is not the right partner to help you achieve your goals? When you agreed to buy him, what goals did you both have in mind?


What is the trainer’s involvement with the sale of the horse? Does she have any financial interest? What is the former owner’s situation at this barn? Doe they own it, does the trainer own it? Is the trainer a 3rd party? What does the contract say? Did the trainer sign the contract, if so in what capacity? The contract can only be changed by mutual agreement of the parties involved. As such Trainer can’t sell the horse from under you unless they have some interest in the horse. More info required. IMO I’d dump the trainer.

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That seems reasonable.

Who is “we”? Why does the trainer feel this is an investment?

But you don’t own him yet correct? So how can you talk about selling him?

Again, you don’t own the horse yet, but what is her reasoning?

What is the problem? You can’t leave that barn, but you will have the horse that you love dearly? Yeah you want to get away from the trainer, but you will still have your horse. Do you have to use that trainer?


Why does dealing with a trainer make otherwise rational people forget how to speak basic English

Trainer: Hey, you know horsey you’re making payments on? I think you should resell him.
Client: No thanks, I am not even done paying him off and I want to keep him for myself once I do. I’ll let you know if I change my mind. Thank you.

Than honor your obligation, stay, pay the horse off. After that do what you like.

Or, if you want to leave the barn-- take out a loan, pay off the horse in full, and assuming you’re now down with your obligations to the seller/barn-- leave if you want.

It’s not that complicated?!


The equestrian world operates in an alternate universe where half the stuff that goes either doesn’t make sense or wouldn’t fly in the real world. :lol:


Where is OP?

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Getting ready for school tomorrow morning?


Alternative universe, reading between the lines, this is my guess:

  • OP leases horse from trainer. Maybe a lease-to-own.
  • Trainer wants OP to buy outright, so is rattling her cage by telling her of other people willing to buy the horse.
  • OP family doesn’t want horse sold out from under OP who is presumably a kid.
  • Trainer doesn’t want to hang onto a “maybe” lease to own when she has (? dubious) live buyers waiting to purchase outright.

I hope OP comes back as I’d like to know the facts, but I enjoyed this creative interpretation challenge…


You are so funny! I’m sitting at my desk at work trying so hard to stifle my laughter.

I’m so curious, I hope the OP comes back, it would be nice to know what happened and if @mfglickman’s interpreations are correct … if they are, you deserve “COTH Interpreter of the Year Award” because I could NOT for the life of me figure out what was going on :lol:

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OP has a mare now that trainer is riding without permission… maybe… who knows. Anyone wanting to do more interpretation c’mon down: https://www.chronofhorse.com/forum/forum/discussion-forums/hunter-jumper/10044405-trainer-help


Oh I missed that the other one is a mare :lol::lol::lol:

I was reading them at the same time to check and see if it was the same :stuck_out_tongue:

:confused: Oh boy. Troll?