Area 1 really has a great community. If you are a FB kinda person, check out the Area 1 FB page. The Adult Rider Program is very active. Volunteering at events where you aren’t competing is a great way to support the sport and make friends at the same time. There are some great events not too far from you where you could hook up w other Area 1’ers. Does your coach have any other students competing in Area 1?
Edited to add we also have a bunch of upper level trainers in the area who offer coaching at events. Im sure we hook you up with someone from that group for course walking and/or coaching if you were looking for coaching at Area 1 events. That would also connect you with some of their students competing in the area who may also be traveling to Area 2. Bevin Dugan is the head of the group. You could email her at
Joan from Flatlands