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Advice on riding vacation in Romania

Hi! I want to take a riding vacation in Romania next year, but don’t know enough about it to choose the right itinerary. Has anyone done a trip there and do you have any advice about what I should see, a specific itinerary or a company to work with? Thank you!

I haven’t done a riding vacation in Romania, but I found this a few weeks ago, and have been drooling over it ever since.

Unfortunately, I don’t have any riding buddies who would go with me; and those I know who would be interested in such a vacation don’t ride.

It seems like a great price when you consider that food/lodging is included.

I might have to wait until my horse-crazy niece is old enough to go with me.

Thanks. That does sound like a good trip!:slight_smile:

I have done one. It is breathtaking. The place I used no longer exists, but they did transfer some of their stock, etc to the Count. I was super lucky - I was the only rider there & got my own trip. The owner was having some whacky issues, so I got a native guide. Seriously one of the best times of my life.

The mountains are unbelievable. We did some roads that made me feel like we were in Snowy River.

I would suggest taking time to see the rest of the country while you are there. Awesome & easy to get around, cheap & the latin based language allows for some communication