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AEC's 2019 - NO LL live streaming!

Sorry - fairly commonly used COTH acronym for Powers That Be.


Thanks very much! I interpreted that “We’re working on it” statement to mean they were getting the Prelim live stream up and running, not that they’re going to make any changes to what’s planned to live stream.

Your original interpretation was the intent of my response and of the facebook posting. They were working on getting the live stream up for Prelim. I was responding to someone who said it wasn’t working for them - it was a known issue. They will not be adding lower levels.

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I have to say I’m impressed with the organization here at the AECs. Weather is fantastic, ground is great and ~ 950 riders are all in full swing.


Training level XC seems to be taking plenty out!!

Can someone tell me what would constitute a rider getting a DR over say, a yellow card? I’m just curious, I don’t think I’ve seen that before. Or am I wrong in thinking DR stands for dangerous riding?

Also following the scores and seeing all the updates are making me have serious FOMO. Kicking myself for not going right now, although my bank account sure is pleased 🙄. If I’m ever qualified again, I’m definitely going!

Does it seem like there are a lot of technical eliminations to anyone else (or do I just not look up live scores enough and for the amount of riders this is average)?

I think Yellow cards are only at FEI?

@rockonxox Usually see one or two an event, how many do you see?

When I competed at the AECs in Training (a number of years ago), a rider in my division was given a DR for exiting the Training water (supposed to just run out up a ramp towards the next jump) by jumping UP the Advanced bank in…she was on an ex-Rolex horse and apparently he just hopped on up and kept trucking but…yeah…


@asterix I was thinking maybe a DR would be accidentally jumping a jump 2 levels or so higher? But then I thought it was the modified division so that would mean you’d jump an intermediate jump on “accident”? That didn’t seem likely. But your scenario makes more sense! I just want to educate myself on what it is so I don’t do it, I don’t want back to back letters on my record right now 😂🤦”â™€ï¸

There are 6 so far:

5 Prelim TE (by division: 2 Amateur; 1 Horse; 2 Rider)
1 Training TE (by division: 1 Horse; )

There were likely be more at this rate. Many falls at training level.

Holy cow. There leading JR Novice rider has a dressage score of 12.

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Am guessing that was an error. StartBox live scoring has been pretty glitchy today - for a while, the ‘leader’ in one of the Novice divisions showed an overall dressage score of 16.5 - that was a 61.4 from the judge at C and a 105.7 from judge at B (oops!). Showed that way for quite some time before corrected.

My understanding is the girl with the DR in the training this week jumped a prelim table backwards and someone on facebook said it was scary to watch and the horse was lucky to be okay.

My friend is there. She said someone in her barn had their eventing vest and air vest stolen off their golf cart. I hate constantly worrying about locking stuff up at shows.

Like, who does this type of crap??

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They need to restrict the entries a bit…950 entries has really impacted entries at a number of events in several areas ( in the weeks around the AEC). I had something like 5 or 6 horses qualified…basically every horse I own that did recognized events this year. While I love all my horses…they are not all that competitive (we didn’t take any for a few reasons…time and money being biggest) It should be a bit harder to qualify or they should cap the entries. Then they could livestream the entire event.


Was it less restrictive than last year… or did just as many qualify last year, but the location was prohibitive to so many that entries were lower?

Kentucky would certainly seem to be more centrally located, at least relatively to North Carolina for the folks coming from the west. I can see why this location would attract more riders. Also, who wouldn’t want to ride there. It’s such a nice horse park.
What are the qualifications needed for AEC’s?

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I’m in California and qualified and didn’t go based off the distance. Kentucky is not centrally located, although I can definitely see the allure of riding there! How cool that must be!

A while ago I commented on a post on Instagram saying it was a bummer it was so far. A person replied and said “it alternates coasts every year”. 1) this isn’t true (unless I’m completely oblivious, which is also a possibility) and 2) the last time it was “on the west coast” it was in Colorado and I hardly consider that the “west coast”, although I suppose it technically is?