Ag Related Apps?

I am looking for someone far more tech educated than me, to help write an Ag related sales order form app. But I have no idea where to start looking.

Have you ever had an App written?
Where did you find this person/company?
What do I need to know?
What can I do to make this process as painless as possible?

What do you like about Apps you use? What do you dislike or wish you could change?

Not a single comment? Bummer!

You could use Microsoft Excel and create a form using that - even use the math formulas to calculate price based on a colyumn for Quantity multiplies by a column for cost each.
Then when you fill in details (quantity, item cost each, item description) it would automatically calculate total cost for each roww.

At bottom of form you could add up cost of each of the rows for total cost and even add a row to calculate tax based on total cost.