Ahhh migraines!

This is mostly a vent, but agghhhh!!! Ive had this frickin migraine for well over a week! Went to the neurologist, he said there is not much to do, botox is expensive and 50% chance of success, so im prescribed amytripaline to go with the epival.

He said it may be rebound or consecutive type

I’m sorry, I have them as well. I am waiting on my next script for Imitrex heaven help you to need more than 9 pills a month…

Oh i know the feeling i have to wait 90 days after filling my tylenol 3!! So basically if i have a multiple day migraine and use them before that im screwed as i am currently…

I stockpile…It is the only way I can get through these times. People who say “yah, Imitrex did not work for me” I ask for left overs.

Omigod, I love you guys. I’m not alone. The 9/mo thing kills me. Medication/rebound may be an issue, but I think my problem has more to do with extreme muscle tension pulling my cervical spine out of alignment. I can basically feel it as it’s happening. For some reason, my triptan still helps with this, which confusingly has had me stuck with a migraine diagnosis even though I’m not really sure my problem is always vascular. I don’t know what to do to get my trap muscles to chill out, but I can’t go to the chiro every other day!

I used to stockpile, but then I had to use my pile. I do get botox, but I’m not really sure how helpful it is. Going in for a toridol shot is helpful about 60% of them time.

Nothing more obnoxious than lying in the dark with a bag off ice on your head missing work, being told you can’t refill a med which you know would make it much better. :frowning:

Exactly! They treat us like druggies! I hate the way drs look at me when i say i need pain meds!

Except that when I am completely out and have a migraine I end up at the ER. I get sick and cannot stop throwing up so I have to go.

I also have pseudo tumor and have bad pain behind my left eye. My migraines are from stress relief, sometimes I don’t have them and then the weekend comes, or I ride and then in a few hours it comes on.

Wait, they won’t give you migraine meds because you go through them too quickly? Doesn’t that mean the meds aren’t working and you need to move on to something else? I know I tried more than I can count over the years but was never told to suck it up until next month. That seems insanely cruel. I actually get the best results right now from an old school drug fiorcet, but that is after much trial and error with other stuff.

Omigod, I love you guys. I’m not alone. The 9/mo thing kills me. Medication/rebound may be an issue, but I think my problem has more to do with extreme muscle tension pulling my cervical spine out of alignment. I can basically feel it as it’s happening. For some reason, my triptan still helps with this, which confusingly has had me stuck with a migraine diagnosis even though I’m not really sure my problem is always vascular. I don’t know what to do to get my trap muscles to chill out, but I can’t go to the chiro every other day!

I used to stockpile, but then I had to use my pile. I do get botox, but I’m not really sure how helpful it is. Going in for a toridol shot is helpful about 60% of them time.

Nothing more obnoxious than lying in the dark with a bag off ice on your head missing work, being told you can’t refill a med which you know would make it much better. :([/QUOTE]

Have you tried getting your trigger points where your shoulders meet your neck injected with cortisone? Mine were causing migraines as well but injecting them chilled them out.

the problem for me is because of my other health issues I am limited in what is safe to try

Wait, they won’t give you migraine meds because you go through them too quickly? Doesn’t that mean the meds aren’t working and you need to move on to something else? I know I tried more than I can count over the years but was never told to suck it up until next month. That seems insanely cruel. I actually get the best results right now from an old school drug fiorcet, but that is after much trial and error with other stuff.[/QUOTE]

They give me the other medications that don’t work like maxalt. I have heard good things about fiorcet. Yes, I have actually gone to the pharmacy to beg a little for imitrex…maybe next time I will request fiorcet.

Fioricet does a big old pile of nothing for mine…I would ask for a double prescription, don’t give up your imitrex stockpiling while you try it.

Have you tried the shots? They are unpleasant to give yourself but work so much better than pills for me.

My most recent discovery is phenergan. I take it with rapid release tylenol and benadryl when I start to get a migraine and it seems to reduce the pain and nausea substantially. Not perfect but I can function most days. Might be worth trying and very safe (I can even take it pregnant). It is cheap and better than the pill Zofran for me. Of course nothing is better than dilaudid/Zofran/Benadryl you get at the ER but it is a mild approximation.

Amitriptyline is wonderful! I take it as a nightly preventative medication. I have had to increase the dose twice, but so far i havent had a migraine since the last time I increased the dose… :slight_smile: (im not superstitious, but knock on wood??)

I was on amitryptiline for over a year, it worked pretty well as a preventative but I had to keep increasing the dose. I know fiorcet doesn’t work for many people, that was sort of my point when I said you need to keep trying stuff until you find something that works for you.

I totally agree Laurie, just stating my experience. Amitryptilene didn’t work for me at all either – Topamax did at a high dose, but I remember you had a bad experience with Topamax.

Everyone’s migraines are different, it takes a lot of experimentation to figure out what is going to work best. And then give it 6 months and I always end up having to change it again anyway because it stops working. Just tossing some other ideas out there that might be worth adding to the list…

Anyone tried Inderal as a preventative? My mom keeps at me to try that after watching some TV show where someone used it, but I had a bad experience with another beta blocker and I am reluctant (I have quite low blood pressure to start with and it slowed my heart rate so much I felt like I was in slow motion – creepy!)

I just can’t believe that some of you have to go without anything part of that time. That would terrify me! I don’t like to let my supply even get low let alone run out.

laurie it sucks soo much not to have anything but tylenol 1 and gravol! I will fill the amytriptaline soon, hopefully with the epival it will help… otherwise im SOL med wise, because of my age my neuro doesnt want to give me more than T3`s for migraines.

Im very frustrated, now I have to see also about pain management for my RA im not really functioning well… my body cant do nsaids so trying to get something decent shoukld be fun…

Old fashioned stematil (?) worked for me - fixed the visual disturbances and nausea, so that I could relax in the dark. Cut my migraines down from 48 hours to about 6.
There is a view that they are hormonal, and that they very often disappear after childbirth. Could be a drastic way to get a cure, lol.

It could be hormonal too, i have endometriosis and am on depo to control it, well mostly with me being special my lining manages to still grow enough it needs cauterization every 3-4 yrs.

I dont ovulate, my body still cycles though, its pms without the period!

Only 23 and not currently dating so baby cant fix either haha!

But with my endo acting up lately i really should have thought of hormone imbalance migraines…

Jeez im a mess!

Im supposed to get my shot at 9-10weeks apart and im at 7, probably wont hurt to get it next week, that may be the ticket

Laurierace, it is terrifying!

As far as trigger point injections, for some reason they are finally going to try that. I have no idea why it wasn’t suggested and after my own suggestion I still had to wait 2mo to see the guy who does it and now that I have and he said he thinks it’s a good idea, I have to wait another 6wks to actually have it done. Way silly. Meanwhile, I’ve decided these people have no idea what they’re doing and even though it’s not covered I’ve been paying out the wazoo for chiro and have been redirected there to Feldenkreis or what-have-you to address the deeper causes. It’s become one of those “I can’t afford to do it but can’t afford not to” things. Hopefully, that will be “the thing.” :slight_smile:

And, yes, I agree running out of meds means it’s not a sufficient treatment. I mentioned this to the injection-provider I recently spoke with and he explained he doesn’t deal with those meds and I would need to have that conversation with the neurologist. Huh? So far, unreachable by phone, and next available appointment…yep - 6wks.