Hi all, I am looking for info on Aiken/ Augusta high schools and since you all are my people I am hoping you have some up-to-date info. The last thread I could find was from 2011 and I know a lot has changed since then. We have the opportunity to move to the Aiken area this summer. We are currently in a rural but non-horsey area in the East. For a college prep school (or program in a larger school), what do you view as the best high school options in the Aiken/ Augusta area? We are open to public or private. I know there are pros and cons of any school and the experience is very individual. Daughters both event but are in it for fun, so school doesn’t have to be flexible for travel. Both are on the college prep track, not Ivy League. I know about Aiken Scholars Academy, although not sure it is a good fit for our oldest. What are the choices, good and bad? Thank you!
Aiken County is just across the Savannah River from Augusta, Georgia. I have lived in both for a total of almost 50 years.
In my opinion hands-down the best high school in the area is Davidson Fine Arts Magnet School in Augusta.