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Air vests to have an international standard

Just for information, according to this week’s Horse & Hound (21 March, p. 32) air vests are soon going to have a equestrian-specific standard as an add-on to the European EN13158. It will include inflation speed, maximum pressure, deflation rate, parts of the body the vest covers and lanyard length. The new standard has apparently been drafted and there are now 18 months to agree the final version before it is published.


Has anyone actually tested the air vests to see if they do what the claim to do yet?


The last information I head was that air vests are only tested by their makers, I would love to hear if I am wrong and there has been new, impartial research.

I know many trail, endurance, and dressage riders who wear just an air vest for safety.

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As you can see, having any standard where the parameters are what you state, does not mean safety efficacy. It only means manufacturing controls. Until they get ISO and ASTM standards they really aren’t applicable to the US or Canada or Australia, or anywhere outside of the EU.