This is an old video, but it still amazes me every time it pops up somewhere. Imagine being that athletic.
Both horse & jockey!
Pony Express mount!
And of course, he got right back on and rode the race.
My horse did that last Friday. But fortunately he stayed a bit more straight & level, so I didn’t get popped off. But you know how it is, in the fraction of a second you are totally airborne, you envision every bad landing possibility.
I don’t know what this video horse spooked at. Maybe a build-up combination of a red truck with yellow writing, and a human in a white shirt, someone he possibly knew well.
Mine lost it because of a bush with a tiger in it. He and I disagree on the tiger, though. I say no tiger, he says absolutely definitely there was a tiger. He saved both of us by leaping into the air so that if the tiger launched, it would miss.