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All you boating enthusiasts...Check this out~~Friday OMG

Just another day on the river…You’ve got to be kidding me

"Just call me mint jelly cuz i’m on the lamb!–Grandpa

Just another day on the river…You’ve got to be kidding me

"Just call me mint jelly cuz i’m on the lamb!–Grandpa

My boyfriend showed this to me about a week ago, unbelievable!!

Hope they had a “full” change of clothes on board if you get my drift…

“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”

Sorry to say I enjoyed to guilty pleasure of seeing…“what if they couldn’t stop” WOW, I can’t believe it just went right under!

BGoosewood in Goosewood and therefore TweedleDEE http://hometown.aol.com/bgoosewood/index.html