Alleged Fraud in Racing

Is anyone familiar with this guy? He is currently based in PA. He has allegedly been moving around for years in the racing world and owes a lot of people money. With all of the people working hard to make a living in the industry and many trying to revamp the industry, situations like this are extremely troubling. Ray Paulick just did a report on another guy like this (Jonathan Pippin) who has recently been caught. I’m interested to hear if anyone has any personal experience with this guy, Christian Hansen. See links below.

This is a link to the Paulick Report story. At least this guy (Pippin) had “higher goals”.

I comment on the PR using my real name, Larry Ensor

Reminds me of a former client who was the “managing partner” of a small time stable. Their bill was pushing 90 days past due and I was getting a variety of excuses as to why the bill wasn’t getting paid. I suspected some shenanigans were involved within the partnership, so in a terse letter seeking a resolution, I strongly suggested that the contact information for all of the partners be forwarded so I could bill them directly. Lo and behold our money, along with a plea to “not throw me under the bus,” showed up.

Sometimes knowing when someone’s feeding you a line of crap is more important than one’s horse knowledge.

This guy is definitely feeding lines of crap. He runs horses under multiplie business names. He just moves and changes the name of the business when he’s worn out his welcome. He’s been in NY, FL, MD, PA etc. He owes the pink star stable investor $40,000 based on the judgement in the link and then he left NY and couldn’t be found. He is originally from Europe and allegedly left there for similar reasons. He doesn’t attach his name to anything. Like the Jonathan Pippen story, I think people that have been burned by this guy will eventually start coming out of the wood work.

This guy is definitely feeding lines of crap. He runs horses under multiplie business names. He just moves and changes the name of the business when he’s worn out his welcome. He’s been in NY, FL, MD, PA etc. He owes the pink star stable investor $40,000 based on the judgement in the link and then he left NY and couldn’t be found. He is originally from Europe and allegedly left there for similar reasons. He doesn’t attach his name to anything. Like the Jonathan Pippen story, I think people that have been burned by this guy will eventually start coming out of the wood work.[/QUOTE]
I’m inclined to agree. Rumors concerning this individual managing Blackstone Farm are true. He can easily be found there every day:winkgrin:
It should also come as no surprise that he holds an owners license with the PA Racing Commission. One more of a long line of embarrassments for them.
Hopefully someone will bring this judgement to their attention so they might pull his racing license.

I know for a fact that he owes me money! I’ve also had calls from people in various professions in the industry wanting his contact information for the same reasons. His failure to pay is not going to kill my business, but his attitude is what is most amazing. It seems that he has been getting away with scamming people for years! If you have any further information, Id love to have it. Feel free to PM me. I think if enough people start coming forward, he’s bound to get caught.

I know for a fact that he owes me money! I’ve also had calls from people in various professions in the industry wanting his contact information for the same reasons. His failure to pay is not going to kill my business, but his attitude is what is most amazing. It seems that he has been getting away with scamming people for years! If you have any further information, Id love to have it. Feel free to PM me. I think if enough people start coming forward, he’s bound to get caught.[/QUOTE]
Start looking here:
He has his name on most of the farm’s racing stock as co-breeder.
If he’s taking the NJ based owners of that farm for a ride he definitely hit pay dirt with them.
Last horse I saw entered from that farm was on Penn Mile/Governors Cup day. Can’t remember the name of the horse but was trained by Graham Motion.

Thanks. I know he’s with Blackstone and I know he runs horses under at least one other business name. I’m currently trying to confirm his home address and am wondering who else he owes or has scammed. I just can’t believe he keeps getting away with it. One person said he uses so many different business names, bank accounts etc that judges, police etc can’t locate money to enforce judgements against him. Maybe if people in the industry are aware of this, Christian Hansen, they’ll save themselves and put him out of business!

Thanks. I know he’s with Blackstone and I know he runs horses under at least one other business name. I’m currently trying to confirm his home address and am wondering who else he owes or has scammed. I just can’t believe he keeps getting away with it. One person said he uses so many different business names, bank accounts etc that judges, police etc can’t locate money to enforce judgements against him. Maybe if people in the industry are aware of this, Christian Hansen, they’ll save themselves and put him out of business![/QUOTE]
Is unfortunate that he’s not the only one. Is far too many of those types in the industry and Pennsylvania for some reason attracts scumbags like a lightning rod. After they wreak a lot of havoc and get run out of town one step ahead of the law they seem to find their way to Ohio:rolleyes:

I’d recommend taking that judgement you have and faxing it to the commission and racing office. Sorry to say nothing can really be done to keep him out of the breeding business or off the farm but you can sure as heck get him out of the racing business.

Contact information, Christian Hansen

I was informed about this post by a friend and would like to provide my information to contact me if any of you want the complete story and feel entitled to such.

pegasus5 (who I don’t know who is) the information is for you as well if you think we have a matter to discuss…financial or others.

As one of the posts correctly states, I am at Blackstone Farm and all contact information is available on our website as.

Contact information: , phone is 717-327-6052 . Please feel free to contact me.

I hope you all will have a successful journey and enjoy your endeavor in the racing and breeding industry.

I hope you all have the foundation and information to state what some of you are stating in this forum. Read the “Judgement” and it has nothing to do with fraud…

Again feel free to contact me.

Christian Hansen

Correction email, contact information Christian Hansen

Missing a letter, corrected email



pegasus5 (who I don’t know who is) the information is for you as well if you think we have a matter to discuss…financial or others.

Christian Hansen[/QUOTE]
Although I have no dog in this fight I find this to be outrageous. Mr Hansen do you really expect anybody to believe that you could have been sued over something to the tune of $40,000, (that judgement certainly looks real enough to me) and you have no idea who this person is???

Are you really going to stand behind that statement?

IF your person holds a PA racing license – simply SUE HIM.
You have to sue in the district(s) where the money exchanged.
In Pa, you have only 4 years to proceed,after that, YOU are sol.
District Court is simple - you go, present to the judge…he offers judgement.
If its in your favor – he can appeal …
You will have to wait 30 days to see if he does this .
IF he does NOT – stewards will make an appt to see him and he Will have to satisfy the judgement or… Lose his license (tracks reciprocate)
IF he does appeal – now, it will cost you some $$, but it all comes back and the upper court usually sees this as a nuisance case. He has to present new evidence… this isnt a do over .
once the stewards set their appt …they give 10 days to trump it up …
no $$ … no license…no access to any tracks.
penn national stewards are great … thistledown, mountaineer are too…
well , most are – they dont go for this …
Also, call the track licensing office for his address … if you find its incorrect, take that to them too – they’ll get you a current one while they are tracking him down.

Hey Profidia – they May Try to go to Ohio… that just doesnt work … :winkgrin:

Although I have no dog in this fight I find this to be outrageous. Mr Hansen do you really expect anybody to believe that you could have been sued over something to the tune of $40,000, (that judgement certainly looks real enough to me) and you have no idea who this person is???

Are you really going to stand behind that statement?[/QUOTE]

As the person that holds the judgement against Mr. Hansen, we are happy to provide any detailed information regarding the fraudulent nature of his business dealings. Thank you.

Is anyone familiar with this guy? He is currently based in PA. He has allegedly been moving around for years in the racing world and owes a lot of people money. With all of the people working hard to make a living in the industry and many trying to revamp the industry, situations like this are extremely troubling. Ray Paulick just did a report on another guy like this (Jonathan Pippin) who has recently been caught. I’m interested to hear if anyone has any personal experience with this guy, Christian Hansen. See links below.[/QUOTE]

Beware of this man - he is bad news!

As the person that holds the judgement against Mr. Hansen, we are happy to provide any detailed information regarding the fraudulent nature of his business dealings. Thank you.[/QUOTE]

Far be it from me to take an interest in the undesireable elements that infest the horse industry, especially racing, but I for one would certainly love to hear anything you’d like to say about this individual.
Please do tell:D

Christian, you are without a doubt the biggest, single, most manipulative POS I’ve encountered in this industry. And that says a lot.

Showing up to work with mysterious black eyes, using your then girlfriend to extort money from her, people CONSTANTLY showing up to your farm demanding the money owed to them. Yeah…you’re truly one of a kind when it comes to assholes.

Anyone who knows ANYTHING regarding Pink Star knows you burned that place to the ground for the insurance money. Let’s not even begin to expose your relationship with that scumbag David Brooks.

I sincerely hope you rot in hell.



As the person who holds the judgement against Mr. Handson and Pink Star Stable, and has unsuccessfully attempted to collect the funds multiple times, I am happy to answer any questions. The email address is Thank you.