Allergies - nothing is working

My allergies have gotten so bad, meds don’t touch it. It affects my breathing to the point that going to the barn to brush a horse for 5 minutes sends me running for the nebulizer.

Any ideas? They really are tuning my life in terms of preventing me from enjoying my horses.
I’m on dulera and arbuterol as needed.

you say nothing is working…but you are only on dulera? and albuterol…

have you tried going to an allergist and getting proper allergy treatment?
I use sub lingual allergy serum,
use a neli med religiously
use an antihistamine with decongestant
a steroid nasal spray
a atrovent nasal pray if needed
albuterol inhaler if needed

and…I see you have moved to texas.
DFW? DFW is the allergy cesspit of the US.
Mountain Cedar is high right now and sends most people into allergic fits–most often associated with the lungs/bronchi.
Rag Weed gets the nose.
The two trade off seasonally–so no matter the time of the year we are screwed.

Do you have Lyme? It will make allergies much worse!

Don’t ask me how I know.


Some say to get some raw local honey and have some every day. Do a search on “local honey” & allergies. I want to try it this year.

astepro (topical antihistamine)

nasalcrom (kinda coats the inside of your nose so that the allergens don’t ‘stick’).

What is neli med?

Yes, I’m on Flonase, steroid nose spray. My biggest complaint in my breathing.

Allegra used to work but doesn’t any more. Everything else doesn’t touch my breathing issues… claratin, zytec, etc…

I want to get allergy shots but I don’t think I have time. We have to work 9 hours a day, I have a 15 minute walk to the car and back from car to desk, a 45 min lunch, and the allergists are not close to the office. I don’t know I can fit it into the daily schedule. IF I could get past the build up period, I can transfer the shots to work and the medical center at work can give them to me. So that’s a bonus…

And yes in FtWorth. Everyone is talking about the red cedar… I had never heard of it before. It sucks… that’s for sure!

“I want to get allergy shots but I don’t think I have time.”

Again, local honey.

Have you tried a neti-pot on occasion (use distilled water only).

Do feel better.

I’m allergic to hay & straw (isn’t that convenient) (besides other allergies).