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Alpha 2 EQ

Has anyone used Alpha 2 EQ to inject hocks stifles etc ? Experiences, results. , etc appreciated. I did search but not a lot came back . I know it’s a relatively new treatment so I’m hoping for some more Intel!

Yes. We swear by it and use it extensively in my horse’s neck for an arthitis issue. Its been a game changer. For what its worth, my vet doesn’t often use it in the hocks as she thinks steroids perform better, but she was also one of the vets who helped develop it. You can put it so many places, from joints to soft tissue. She’s used it to help horses in early stages of DSLD gain a little more time.

Interesting that you use it in the neck. How often? Are results better than steroid injections? My 6 yr old recently had c5-6 and 6-7 injections done.

Just had mine done for the first time last month - hocks and stifles. We’ve previously done the normal steroids and the IRAP. Saw the biggest and quickest improvement after injections. He feels and looks fantastic.

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I think it lasts longer than steroids, although we’re injectng 3x year now. The arthritis is not great, and the 4 month cycle seems to keep her more on the level with management. My vet prefers it to steroids, especially when you’re injecitng more frequently as it isn’t as hard on the joint (or so she says).

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I have had awesome results.

The best was when I injected it into the neck of my jumper. He’s never been sounder, and he had his neck injected previously w steroid and PRP.

It can be more economical than prostride on higher volume situations like doing multiple joints, necks, stifles. And you can freeze it for up to a year I believe if you only do one set of joints at a time

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