amaurosis fugax (mini stroke)

My dad has had his 3rd episode where a shade comes over his eye. This time it lasted 45 minutes and he was confused. He was out moving 40 lb propane tanks in the 2 pm sun when it was 90 degrees out. The doctor examined his eyes (he now has blurry vision in that eye) and wants him to go in for a full stroke workup this coming week. I think over heating may have played a role, and it probably doesn’t help that he’s prediabetic.

He adamantly refused to go to the doctor at all. But my mom and I set up an appointment and insisted he go anyway. I have no idea what the doctor said because they only let him in the building. I will either need to call them or go over the doctor’s notes. He still needs a bunch of testing.

I don’t know whether to insist he go in for more testing or see if we can get him to implement lifestyle changes. The problem being with the coronavirus outbreak, it puts both him and my mother at risk if he is going in for bloodwork and a bunch of tests. My mom is 105 lbs and underweight - if she catches coronavirus it will probably kill her or both of them. She has literally no weight to lose.

He has had this before a couple years ago- was lifting something heavy and the same thing happened. They did testing and it showed 20 percent carotid artery stenosis - recommended lifestyle changes.

He needs to eat healthy, exercise more, and lose about 25-30 lbs. Instead he sits in front of the tv, eats a sandwich and chips for lunch everyday and refuses to exercise. I asked him if he could carry buckets of grain out to the horses each day- it would take maybe 5 minutes, if i make the buckets. Nope, no way in hell.

The only way to get him to exercise is to have my mom walk with him with the dogs. And she’s very active and if anything she needs less exercise. She is moving around non-stop almost every day. Add in the hot Florida temperatures and it is just another excuse for my dad to refuse to exercise.

My mom told me to say nothing to him because he will just do the opposite. It’s not like i can take his chips away and donate them- he would just go buy more! or threaten to kick me out of the house.

I cannot say how aggravated I am with this entire situation. He is putting us all at risk because of his refusal to do anything for his health. And if he has a stroke or goes blind, we will be stuck caring for him. Or if he gets coronavirus… God help us.

I swear I’m going to go have an in ground swimming pool installed - then he can’t refuse to go outside because of the hot weather!