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American GOLD medal.

In the Ladies Individual Vaulting World Championships, the German participants have been dethroned. For the first time in the 20-year history of the Championships, there wasn’t a German competitor on the winning podium. Megan Benjamin from the USA claimed the gold medal in the competition (8.421). She had already won the first classification and was favourite to take the title.

The Team took silver.

In case you had overlooked these athletes achievements!

Very cool.

Sadly,I think the vaulters have been overlooked.:yes:

I watched a lot of their “rides” on video streaming yesterday,absolutely amazing,I also enjoyed the mention of the horses AND the grooms at their awards ceremony.:wink:

Well done USA vaulters.:smiley: :smiley:

Whoop! Go Meghan and the FAME team!

Congratulations to Megan and the USA vaulting team.

I had the pleasure to watch her performance on TV. She was simply SUPER!!! I haven’t been vaulting for 20 years now but boy has the discipline evolved :slight_smile:
Congrats to Megan and to the team on silver as well.

Does anyone have a video link – if not to WEG, then to any top-level vaulting? I’m intrigued!

That is so cool, good for them! I just think vaulting has to be one of the most difficult diciplines, and one of the most overlooked. I am happy for them!

That’s so cool! Vaulting is one of those sports I would LOVE to learn more about!