An extreme reaction to trigger point injections? Chronic pain flare up for 3 weeks straight. Bone pain.

I’ll admit it: I have chronic. It keeps me from living and functioning at times. It can be very debilitating. I can blame some of it on injuries, some of it on muscular skeletal issues, known problems showing up on imaging, doing too much activity (even if it’s low intensity) for long periods of time, osteoarthritis (a lot in my hands, barely any elsewhere) inflammation and autoimmune problems. What I just experienced was something else.

I had had enough of my muscle spasms after a summer of working 6-7 days a week between work, travel, farm, horses, construction, and other personal projects around the house. I did not do much, if any, manual farm labor or construction myself. I mainly supervised or did lower intensity activities. Make hay while the sun shines, right? That’s what you do when you have a farm and horses. Make some hay. :wink: So I decided to get homeopathic trigger point injections (non steroidal) Wednesday, Sept 27. B12, Traumeel and Zeel were injected. None of the injections were close to any vertebrae BTW. There was some licocaine or prolocaine in the mix. I had so many muscle spasms in my neck, upper back, both shoulders, clavicle area and down the center of my back that the doctor injected not one dose of those ingredients, but a total of 3 rounds. Maybe that was just way too much?

Day of injections I enjoyed the lido/prolocaine. The following day I started to feel what I would describe as “bone pain” thoracically. I felt this “bone pain” for the first time this summer. It was a new feeling and was thankfully brief. Well, the next day (Friday), the bone pain amplified to an 8 out of 10 on a pain scale, and remained there for about 5 days. Amidst those 5 days, the muscle spasms that I previously had went away. After that, the bone pain lessened to 6-7 and remained there. But the following week the bone pain increased again to 8+. I went to see my chiro. He helped me a bit. Ended up seeing him 3x that week. He does gentle manipulation and some muscle work. Late one night I emailed my PCP to request a new thoracic and cervical MRI. My insurance ended up denying that request, so went in to meet with my PCP for an extensive exam and for resubmittal of MRI request. The bone pain feeling kept going at an 7-8 of 10, then increased to a 9 thru the end of the following week.

Then abruptly last Tuesday, I awoke with mainly muscle pain and a migraine. By the end of the day, any lingering bone pain was just a whisper. As the week progressed, the bone pain remained a whisper and has stayed there ever since. After 3 weeks of non-stop “bone pain”, I have been bone-pain-free for 9 days. The doctor had wanted me to get a 2nd injection the week following the first, and the plan was for me to get a series. Help, no! After what I just went through, I am now afraid (very, very afraid) to get more injections. Ever heard of this response to trigger point injections?

I am completely unfamiliar with trigger point injections. Are they subcutaneous? Done by an MD??

I am facing lumbar spine injections, and just popped over here to have a look if someone else has had them. Your post is giving me pause… :frowning:

It felt IM, like acupuncture. Mine were done by a naturopath. I’m not sure if MD’s would use B12, Trameel and Zeel, but chiropractors, sports medicine, or alternative doctors might. 20 years ago I had steroid IM injections a few times. They only injected maybe 8? trigger points due to the fact that there is a maximum steroid dosage. I didn’t want to go the steroid route this time.

Are you considering steroid injections or thinking of platelet rich plasma? I once had a series of two spinal steroid injections in one vertebrae. I will never do that again! It caused spasms and pain there was not previously there, and there was nothing I could do that would fix that. That particular spasm went on for over a year. I’ve heard good things about using platelet rich plasma injections in the spine. I don’t think it’s injected into joint space, but right next to it. I’ll ask the person who had it done and see if they know.

In my case, I’m thinking this doctor put way too much junk into my body and I had an major inflammatory response. So far all of my trigger points are pretty quiet and my spasms are under control. My back bone pain has not returned, but I am now feeling some of that same sensation in my lower arms and hands to a much more faint degree. This all started this past Monday. I have osteoarthritis in my hands. Temps are 50 to upper 60’s and I wouldn’t expect my hands to feel this way. WTHKs?

I see that some people can have a bad reaction to one ingredient in Zeel. It’s homeopathic, so there’s all sorts of weird stuff in it. The label says “care must be taken not to exceed recommended dosage”. One dose is 1 ampule, and she put 3 in me. :applause: This person has been doing injections for several decades BTW. The ingredient that some people have a bad reaction to is Rhus toxicodendron (also called rhus tox). That’s poison oak. It sounds like it could of been a rhus tox overdosage reaction. But again, WTHKs?

Quoting you so you know that I responded. :slight_smile: