\' and \" in Signatures - Tip

This is a function of PHP coding (the language used in this board’s programing). Those of you that see ’ and " in your signatures should change the ’ or " to a ` or ``. This is the key to the left of the “1” at the top of the keyboard. Using that character will not give you the \ before it like the regular quotes usually do.



Curious to see if my sig comes out like that.

Checking things out for mine too :smiley:

It only seems to be happening on some people’s for some reason. Very odd! lol


I just went in and re-did mine–didn’t bother with the ` or ``. I figured it had something to do with the way it was imported and the new board just couldn’t read it properly…

This is the correct answer. The punctuation that was imported was interpereted incorrectly. Just take the things out of your signature. You can still put in the quotation marks as they are on your keyboard, since it will be done from the new application it will interperet them correctly.

It only seems to be happening on some people’s for some reason. Very odd! lol
